Thursday, July 27, 2023

2023 Bowman Blaster

OK. I'm almost done. And, yes, I did get an Elly or two out of all of this. So, it's all good. Hopefully you think so too!

Let's see how it went!

I know you're probably bored of this pic by now. But, I need it as the cover shot. I promise you, I take a new pic with every box. I play fair.

This pic too. If I'm making you look at one with every post, the least I can do is take one for every post. 

A nice first Bowman Chrome of Juan Chacon here. He's a top 50 or so Sox prospect. Although, I don't really know what that means for the future. Ranking prospects is still completely foreign to me.

Bowman base Bleis. That's fun to say.

I always enjoy stocking up on Bello rookies. After a weird blip in his last start...which I'm sure was only coincidentally like a day before going on paternity leave...he was right back at it last night.

Another top 100 prospect, although this time one of those weird Bowman Chrome cards that isn't a "first" but isn't late enough to be a rookie. Not sure the future of cards like this.

And there you have it. A nice selection of the future, and the future future. Hopefully all of these players become mega stars.

How have your blasters gone?

1 comment:

  1. I had to look on Soxprospects to confirm, but the fact Juan Chacon's name rhymes instantly makes him one of Boston's better prospects...


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