Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Section 36

A couple months ago, I received the following e-mail:

I just wanted to drop you a quick line and get some advice on where to sit in Section 36. I ran across your blog on the web and it seemed like you would definitely be the person to talk to!  Do you know how many rows are in Section 36? I have an option to buy 2 sets of tickets for the Sox/Yanks on 8/30. One is on row 21 and the other on row 11. The price difference is around $28 for the pair. Didn't know if the 10 rows would justify paying the extra money. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



Right off the bat, I had a little problem. Believe it or not, I have no idea how many rows there are in Section 36. Rest assured, on my next trip to Fenway I will be walking all the way to the top of the section to see for myself. (Especially since a lot of people seem to stumble upon this blog by looking for the answer to that very question.)

The second part of the question wasn’t really any easier. Are ten rows enough of a difference to justify a cost increase? One row difference would be a definite no. Five rows? Ten rows? That’s starts to be a grey area. My advice was to go for it, and get the close seats. As it happens, I have sat in row 11 before, and know they were great seats. I felt it was a good idea to stick with that known entity.

Thankfully, with the game now having passed Brantley wrote back to say the seats were good ones. Even though the Red Sox lost, the game was good, and the seats were worth it. I couldn’t have been happier. I’d hate to have given lousy advice. Brantley was even kind enough to send along some pictures from the game. Go check them out in Pix from 36. Thanks for writing, Brantley!

I hope you’ll keep visiting.

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