Monday, March 16, 2020

A Fuji Holiday

A couple months ago now, Fuji wrote a post saying he was looking to complete the relic set from 2019 Topps Holiday. I can't say that I blame him. The Topps Holiday brand has turned into a fun set, and the relic design certainly expanded on that. So, while I didn't buy a ton of that product, I checked out his wantlist.

Luckily, not only did I have a card he needed, but it was a Yankees card! I always welcome the chance to get Yankees cards as far as possible from me. Fuji offered a card in exchange, and we were ready. 

Unfortunately, upon double checking, Fuji realized that he didn't actually need the card I have. Being a stand-up guy, though, he offered to send along the card he promised me anyway. Which card was it? I'm glad you asked.

See? I told you they were fun. I especially like how the game used piece is from a red jersey. Not only is it slightly rarer for the Sox to wear those jerseys, but it definitely fits the Holiday theme better. It's like a giant holly berry. (Come to think of it, with Pedroia doing nothing lately other than collect his albatross mistake of a contract, I wonder when he last wore a red jersey.)

I plan on sending Fuji back a return package anyway. Hopefully that won't violate his recent reduction in trade package mailings. After all, this would just even things up, right?

Thanks for the card Fuji!


  1. Awesome card, and you're lucky to receive it as he has more than a couple Sox fans on his 'hit list'. 

    I don't blame Pedey for that albatross contract. I blame Manny Machado for crippling him. 

  2. Oh how I do enjoy looking at singles from this set. Makes it feel like it's still the holiday season ;)


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