Monday, October 4, 2021

1975 Topps Page by Page: Page 73 (649-657)

 I'm sure that you all remember that I finally completed my 1975 Topps set.

Now that it's done I thought it would be fun to look through the set and talk about it. Going page by page seemed like a good way to go about it. Hopefully you find it interesting to read what I have to say.

How about we continue with page 73?

Red Sox Cards on the Page  

0. Not this time. 

Cards that make the 1975 Topps set cool 

The middle row of powder blues is cool. Otherwise, not a ton going on here.

My favorite card on the page 

Really not a lot going on with this page. I'm tempted to say the Lee Richards, because blue and red on the White Sox always surprises me. So tempted, in fact, that's my answer. Although, basically by default.

What would your answers to those last two categories be?


  1. Favorite card here is the Lee Richard (misspelled "Richards") because the write-up on the back "Bee Bee has great speed" cracked me and my brother up as kids.

  2. Heidemann's fu manchu win the cool award, but Dave May's side eye gets the favorite nod.


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