Friday, February 28, 2025

Go Red! 2014 Topps Target Red Kelly Johnson

February is American Heart Month. As a nod to the Go Red for Women activities going on this month to help raise awareness, I thought I'd contribute several "red" themed posts sprinkled throughout the month.

Let's talk about this card...

Kelly Johnson played ten gmes for the Red Sox in 2014. He was acquired from the Yankees at the deadline for Stephen Drew. A month later, he was traded to the Orioles in a four players deal. So, obviously, not a lot to say about his Red Sox career. Glad he was able to get a card out of it, though.

It's a simple card. I'm guessing there weren't a ton of pictures to choose from. I don't actually remember the Red sox wearing the blue and red combo like that. That's nice to see. Otherwise, it's a rather non-descript card. Which I guess you get every once in a while.


Photo: Jon Adams
I'm sure you all remember Mina Smith from her interview with us. Through her social impact initiative "Love Your Neighbor" she is fundraising for the American Heart Association. I highly recommend you support her efforts with a donation if you are able. You can find the link here.

Support her efforts, and Go Red!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Go Red! 2014 Topps Target Red David Ross

 February is American Heart Month. As a nod to the Go Red for Women activities going on this month to help raise awareness, I thought I'd contribute several "red" themed posts sprinkled throughout the month.

Let's talk about this card...

Hard to forget David Ross! Especially for me, since I was in the park as he caught the last strike of the 2013 World Series. He definitely earned that ring on his finger. While his stints in Boston weren't long, they made up for it with that championship.

The card itself...I'm not sure what Ross is doing with his fingers. Is he supposed to be showing "3" of something? Or is that the only way he could figure out to make his fingers work to show off the ring? The picture is fantastic though. Even cropped tight, you can see the giant championship banner behind him on the monster. What a great addition to the team collection.


Photo: Jon Adams
I'm sure you all remember Mina Smith from her interview with us. Through her social impact initiative "Love Your Neighbor" she is fundraising for the American Heart Association. I highly recommend you support her efforts with a donation if you are able. You can find the link here.

Support her efforts, and Go Red!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Go Red! 2014 Topps Target Red Edward Mujica

February is American Heart Month. As a nod to the Go Red for Women activities going on this month to help raise awareness, I thought I'd contribute several "red" themed posts sprinkled throughout the month.

Let's talk about this card...

Remember last time when I said I sometimes forget that AJ Pierzynski was on the Sox? Yeah. Edward Mujica was on the Sox for a season plus, coming out of the pen. He actually appeared in 75 games over those two years, so was used a lot. But, in the championship hangover, that season isn't one that sticks out in my memories...for any of the Sox players.

The card itself...I'll keep saying it. I like the Target Red parallels. I love the idea that every player, even Mujica, has a rare card to chase. Something that every collection can add to make it a bit more special. I will also keep saying that I wish the color red they chose didn't clash with the color red in the Sox logo. But, that's still ok. It's a fun card to have in my binder.


Photo: Jon Adams
I'm sure you all remember Mina Smith from her interview with us. Through her social impact initiative "Love Your Neighbor" she is fundraising for the American Heart Association. I highly recommend you support her efforts with a donation if you are able. You can find the link here.

Support her efforts, and Go Red!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Go Red! 2014 Topps Target Red AJ Pierzynski

February is American Heart Month. As a nod to the Go Red for Women activities going on this month to help raise awareness, I thought I'd contribute several "red" themed posts sprinkled throughout the month.

Let's talk about this card...

Sometimes forget that Pierzynski was on the Sox. His partial season in 2014 isn't exactly the stuff of legends. Especially since everyone was still in the haze after winning the championship in 2013. But, he served a role batting .250 is 72 games for the Sox that year. Just enough to not be memorable. To me at least.

The card itself...I still say I like the Target Red parallels. It gives something fun to chace in retail packs. It's not ridiculously overwhelming. Just a simple matte red border. Just enough to add some variety ot a collection. I do wish the color red they chose didn't clash with the color red in the Sox logo. But, I guess I can't have everything.


Photo: Jon Adams
I'm sure you all remember Mina Smith from her interview with us. Through her social impact initiative "Love Your Neighbor" she is fundraising for the American Heart Association. I highly recommend you support her efforts with a donation if you are able. You can find the link here.

Support her efforts, and Go Red!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Go Red! 2014 Topps Red Hot Foil David Ortiz

February is American Heart Month. As a nod to the Go Red for Women activities going on this month to help raise awareness, I thought I'd contribute several "red" themed posts sprinkled throughout the month.

Let's talk about this card...

Not much to say about Ortiz that hasn't been said. From waiver wire pick-up to the greatest clutch hitter in Red Sox history. In 2014, Ortiz had just led the Sox to yet another title...and "led" he did. His numbers in the World Series was the stuff of legends.

The card a lot. I'm not usually a fan of mixing horizontal cards into a vertical set. They always just look off. Of course, this picture was just made for a horizontal cropping. But, it still sticks out a bit. Plus the red foil makes an already foil heavy set just completely over the top.


I'm sure you all remember Miss District of Columbia Jude Maboné from her interview with us. Her "heart health" community service initiative is, obviously, quite relevant this month. As such, she's supporting the Simon's Heart campaign this month (and every month). I highly recommend you join her efforts with a donation if you are able. You can find the link here.

Support her efforts, and Go Red!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Isabella Williams Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Isabella Williams is passionate about empowering young girls, loves to travel, and is the current Miss Lake Champlain. I was so excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Isabella Williams visits Section 36!

What made you decide to try for the Miss Vermont crown as Miss Lake Champlain?

I've been waiting for years to step onto this stage and compete for the title of Miss Vermont. This is my last opportunity before I age out, and I truly believe every challenge, lesson, and moment of preparation has led me to this moment. I’m ready to bring my full self to the job and to the Miss America Organization.

You previously served as Miss Vermont Earth. What did you learn from that experience that will help you when you compete for Miss Vermont?

Serving as Miss Vermont Earth taught me so much about my own strength and resilience. It empowered me to unapologetically pursue my dreams and gave me the confidence to speak passionately about my platform and advocacy work. Those experiences have helped shape me into a confident, purpose-driven woman who’s ready to take on this new title. 

You recently had the opportunity to tour schools in South Africa. What do you remember from that experience?

The school visits in South Africa were unforgettable, especially the teenage girls who welcomed me with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. At each school, their giggles filled the air as I stood before them. When I confidently asked, “Are we ready to begin?” something amazing happened—those giggles turned into cheers. It was a powerful moment to see their respect and encouragement for a woman stepping into a leadership role, something they were not accustomed to seeing. It reminded me of the strength and unity women can inspire, even across cultural divides.

How did you select your community service initiative “Strong Girls Will Change The World”?

Choosing Strong Girls was a no brainer for me. I have been working on this concept, brand, and nonprofit for a couple years now! It started with my first book, Strong Girls, a youth empowerment book filling the space in the education system that should be used to empower young learners. Strong girls is dedicated to empowering the next generation of women to chose themselves, their education, and their individuality. My goal is by empowering a group of students that don’t feel academically secure to keep pushing and trying! 

What can you tell me about your new book, Garden ABCs?

Garden ABCs is designed to make learning fun while teachingchildren where their food comes from and how it grows. In a world where instant food is the norm, I wanted to inspire curiosity about nature and cultivate a deeper connection to the food we eat.

What is your personal fitness routine?

My fitness routine is all about balance—it supports both my mental health and managing my autoimmune condition. Most days, I go for a run with Taylor Swift or Sabrina Carpenter as my soundtrack. To keep things exciting, I also ride horses and join fun dance or workout classes with friends. Staying active is my way of taking care of my body and mind. Eating healthy is just as important to my workout routine! I even have a big garden where I harvest all my ingredients for year round sauces and pickles. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

I would choose Belle! Not only because our names are so similar, but also because I admire her values. She embodies intelligence, kindness, and the belief that inner beauty and character matter more than appearances. Plus, I’d love to spend a week surrounded by enchanted objects and an incredible library!

If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play the Rockies, who would you take with you? Why?

I would take my sisters. As we get older, it’s harder to find time to be together, so I treasure every chance we get to strengthen our bond. Moments like that remind me how lucky I am to have them in my life.

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I’m a sucker for a corn dog. I’m not sure if stadiums usually have them but I would skip the entire game looking for one! 


Hopefully she can quickly find one between innings!

As always, I want to thank Isabella for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with her during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account, as well as her personal Instagram
They're both great ways to keep track of everything she has going on. 

Thanks again Isabella, and good luck at the Miss Vermont competition! Would love to have another visitor wear that crown!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

2024 Topps Holiday Mega Box Opening!

The Topps Holiday sets are so much fun. It’s another way to get a different looking card of your favorite player in your collection. One more edition of the rainbow you can try to chase. Or, in some cases, two or three more editions. More importantly, editions that won't break the bank. I love that the set doesn’t take itself too seriously, but still guarantees a hit in every box. What could be better?

So let’s see what magic we find in our winter wonderland!

Here's what the box looks like.

Here's a card of Sox star Rafael Devers. I like how Topps mixes up how they do the "holiday" each year. Sometimes it's a fun border. Sometimes it's a snow effect. This year, it's neon holiday decorations all over the entire card. Definitely different!

And here's one of Section 36 favorite Triston Casas. Again, love the theming.

And there you go. Only two Red Sox cards out of the ten packs. But, they were certainly good ones.

If you want to see every card I pulled, be sure to subscribe to the Section 36 YouTube channel! The video of the entire opening will be posted there, if it hasn't already. You will also be able to find an almost endless selection of packs and boxes that I've opened. Feel free to dive down that rabbit hole.

How did your box go?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I Hereby Resolve...

Typically, the end of the year is a time for people to reflect on their life, and to make any changes they see the need for. Why do it for the first of the year? No particular reason. Although, I suppose, a July 2 Resolution doesn’t have the same ring to it. A New Year’s Resolution also has the added benefit of only occurring once a year. If you make a New Month Resolution, and fail after three days…you have some obligation to make the same resolution the next month. If you make a resolution on January 1, but flop by January 2, you can wait an entire year before you have to try and make yourself a better person. That’s a handy feature. People also find it nicer to write these resolutions down. Anything written down automatically has more weight. After all, if you take the time to type it out and share it with others, it must be important. Plus, anyone why knows about your resolution will obviously shun you if you don’t stick to it. If you make a resolution in silence, it’s pretty easy to ignore it. Of course, that presumes that anyone is listening, or cares enough to hold you to it. That’s probably not the case here. But, what else am I going to write about on January 1?

The first thing I want to do in 2025 find the delicate balance between quality and quantity with my posts. I understand that I don’t always have the time available to bring my A-Game. I also understand that it’s possible I don’t have an A-Game. But, if I only posted when I felt like I had written something worthy of a Pulitzer, you may never see another post from me. At the very least, you’d forget about this blog while you waited. Nor do I want to bore everyone with post after post that says nothing. I’m sure you’re thankful for that. So, I want to keep a schedule, without having to keep a schedule. I definitely did NOT do that in 2024. I need to get back on my horse. I'd like to shoot for two posts a week. That seems manageable. As long as I’m not feeling pressure from myself to post something, anything, just to post.

Another thing I say every year is that I want to increase my presence on the other blogs. You all have such wonderful things to say, and I like being a part of that. I also know that I like getting comments on my posts, so I assume that others do as well. I’d like to do my part.

For selfish reasons, I’d like to try to increase my readership. It’s not just that I like seeing the number of hits per day go up. Although, I do enjoy that. It’s also because I like it when everyone plays along with the blog. More readers means more chances of readers doing just that. Not only is it easier for me if people submit things for me to post, but I actually enjoy seeing copies of other people’s scorecards or pictures they took in Section 36. The fact that they help me come up with post ideas is just a little side benefit. I don’t know what increasing my readership involves. It probably just means writing better stuff. So, I’ll try to do that. After all, just getting the name of the blog out there is useless if people come and visit, only to find mindless dribble. (Not that I’d mind it if you liked my facebook page, or followed me on Instagram. Can’t hurt.)

So, there we go. Things I want to try and do in the coming year. If you care, feel free to try and keep me honest. Mocking comments if I’m going astray are encouraged. Or, help me out by contributing to the last two resolutions. Or both. Or, ignore it all completely. Your call.

Happy New Year Everyone!

What people are reading this week