Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lots of Pix!

Loyal reader, and frequent contributor, Bryanne attended a game with her friend Leah a few weeks ago. As she always does, she sent along pictures from the game. Unfortunately, their seats were all the way over in section 33. (That’s the orange from the Gulf sign behind them in the picture.) The 100-degree heat that night prevented them from making the trek the length of the seating area to Section 36. So, they did the next best thing. Bryanne took pictures of Section 36 from section 33. It was a great view from over there. Be sure to head over to Pix from 36 to see the selection Bryanne sent, as well as other recent additions from other readers.

Bryanne also sent over several other pictures of things that weren’t Section 36. Be on the lookout for them as I use them in future posts.

As always, thanks to Bryanne for the wonderful pictures!

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