Friday, August 30, 2024

Kaylee Wolfensberger Visits Section 36!

Another visitor to Section 36! Kaylee Wolfensberger is passionate about the healing power of music, is dedicated to fitness, and is the current Miss Montana. I was thrilled she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Kaylee Wolfensberger visits Section 36! 

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Montana crown? 
Right after winning I spent time taking pictures and talking with my biggest supporters, my family, friends, and of course my Miss Montana sisters. The moment was so surreal that I didn’t even notice I was one of the last people to leave the theatre! But, the biggest thing I did to celebrate was sleep! Competition week (and honestly the month before) is tiring, I needed a good night's sleep before I hit the ground running as Miss Montana. 

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Montana? 

I want to give as many children as possible the opportunity to learn, play, or enjoy music. Music has helped me grow, opened doors for my success, and been a healer in my life. I believe every child deserves that opportunity, and I hope I can be the person who gives them that. 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Montana competition that will help you at Miss America? 
I learned that just because I am a younger contestant, does not mean that I am not capable! I am on the younger side of the Miss America age limit, and I struggled with feeling that I have done enough and learned enough to step into this role. Now I know that it doesn’t matter my age, but rather my passion for this program, bringing music to the underfunded, and my determination to take the Miss Montana Organization to new heights. 

How did you select your community service initiative, “Healing Harmonies”? 

At the age of 8 years old, I started learning the piano. And even though I didn’t always enjoy practicing or performing, music was always there for me. I hit some pretty big bumps in the road and I always fell back on music. When I couldn’t express with words how I felt, I was able to sit at the piano and let the notes speak for me. Children living in poverty are more likely to experience traumatic events than their wealthier peers and the effects trauma has on a child’s development can be catastrophic. Music can help regulate emotions and provide positive coping strategies for children. As someone who has experienced the healing benefits of music first hand, I knew I wanted to give children this opportunity as well.

What is your personal fitness routine? 

I am passionate about being physically active for at least 30 minutes each day, while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs to help me thrive. I have discovered that when I prioritize my physical health, I also feel mentally and emotionally balanced. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why? 

I grew up on Disney! Every weekend growing up, me and my Dad would watch a Disney movie, so this is a difficult choice! I would have to say Koda from Brother Bear. I’m known to be quite chatty and a singer around the house (not a great one unfortunately). More than that, I like to think that I’m someone who can make a friend wherever I go, just like Koda. 

You are studying business marketing at Montana State University. Where do you see those studies taking you? 
I want to work in the NFL, specializing in athlete representation and promotion. I grew up with two brothers who loved/played football, so as the only girl, I either learned to love what they loved or I got left behind. I love football season and love MSU Bobcat football even more! I hope to turn my passion into a career! 

If you had an extra ticket to a Pioneer League baseball game, who would you take with you? Why? 
One of my best friends, Brooke! Brooke is a HUGE baseball fan and she even convinced me to take a summer job working at a Pioneer League’s stadium after we graduated high school. She can answer all my questions when I’m confused and she’s sure to hit the concession stand with me! 

Is there a feature or activity during a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience? 

I always liked the 7th inning stretch. Something about everyone standing up and singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” makes me feel that All-American spirit!


Agreed. That song is always a good time!

As always, I want to thank Kaylee for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss America! It would be amazing to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Kaylee during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account and website
They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Kaylee! And, good luck!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2022 Bowman Platinum Blaster Box Opening!

Let's open some more cards! This time, some 2022 Bowman Platinum? It's been a while since I've opened some of this, so it seemed like a good time to give it a try. This is another one of those sets I don't really understand. So, it's a glossy version of players you can find in Bowman that's not Bowman Chrome? Is there really a point? Or, better yet, a market? Apparetly not, since these are always found with clearance stickers on them No matter...might as well open some packs.

How did this box go? Let's find out!

Yup...there's the box. Apparently I should be looking for a Whitt.

And, there are all the packs inside.

Starting off with a fun insert of Red Sox prospect Marcelo Mayer. Always fun pulling one of his cards.

And, a rookie card of Jarren Duran. I always seem to pull one of his cards. Glad he's starting to play better.

Speaking of Mayer, here's another one of his cards. Do cards like this have collector interest? It's not the prestige of a "first bowman chrome". It's just another not quite legit card of his.

Speaking of prospects, here's another top one in Blaze Jordan. Hopefully he is everything he's supposed to be.

And we'll finish it off with Tyler McDonough here.

Not a bad collection of Sox future stars. Hopefully a few of them pan out and I can look back on this post with joy.

How did your box go?

Friday, August 16, 2024

Wilma Victoria Richiez Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Wilma Victoria Richiez is passionate about fostering economic growth, has a love of painting, and is the current Miss Puerto Rico. I was so excited she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Wilma Victoria Richiez visits Section 36! 

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Puerto Rico crown?

After winning Miss Puerto Rico, I took a moment to rest and fully appreciate this incredible opportunity. I allowed myself some downtime to soak it all in and reflect on the journey. Then, I made my way to the beach, where I could feel the sand beneath my feet and the waves lapping at the shore. It was the perfect setting to reconnect with my roots and embrace the beauty of Puerto Rico, while practicing gratuity.

What made you decide to compete within the Miss America Opportunity?

There are many reasons, one of them was my desire to pursue a JD/PhD—a long academic journey that requires substantial financial support. This opportunity felt like a blessing, a way to help fund my career goals. Most importantly however, after finishing college, I was eager to deepen my involvement in community outreach. Although I had participated in various initiatives before, I wanted to address the challenges I saw within Puerto Rico more directly. My long-term career goals include working on government initiatives that advocate for low-income communities. Therefore, finding a platform like Miss America, which could support my goals and amplify my voice, motivated me to compete.

What part of the upcoming Miss America competition are you most nervous about?

Honestly, it’s the whole experience! Each part of the competition presents unique challenges, and while I’m excited, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. But I believe that nervous energy can be channeled into something positive, helping me stay focused and give my best performance.

What can you tell me about “Puerto Rico CRECE”?

Puerto Rico CRECE is my Community Service Initiative (CSI) that aims to create a long-term, sustainable plan to uplift low-income communities on our island. Coming from a background of scarce resources myself, I’m deeply committed to helping my community build a prosperous future. Puerto Rico faces significant challenges—one of the highest poverty rates among U.S. territories, low financial and academic literacy scores, and many people living under the poverty line. This situation deeply concerns me, and it’s why so many Puerto Ricans feel compelled to leave the island in search of better financial opportunities. But I’m determined to help those who stay. Puerto Rico CRECE is based on three fundamental principles:

      1. Providing essential resources: This includes food, water, and hygiene items, particularly period products.

      2. Enhancing educational opportunities: We focus on inspiring and motivating younger generations to pursue higher education and careers in STEM—fields that are not only intellectually stimulating but also crucial for creating a sustainable economy. For our society to thrive, we need doctors, engineers, nurses, and other professionals. The absence of these careers in a population leads to financial struggles.

      3. Financial literacy: Many Puerto Ricans lack the financial knowledge to manage their funds effectively. By providing educational resources, we can empower adults in all stages of life to make informed financial decisions.

What is your personal fitness routine?

My fitness routine is a balanced mix of strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises. I love doing yoga, especially outdoors—it really helps with both my physical and mental well-being. Lately, I’ve really gotten into running, so hitting the gym, running on the pier, or even training for marathons has become a super fulfilling way to stay healthy. Not only does it boost my physical fitness, but it also allows me to support good causes. Staying active isn’t just about physical health for me; it’s about mental well-being too. As a big neuroscience nerd, I’ve found research that highlights the importance of taking care of our "gut-brain axis" to feel healthy both mentally and physically. So eating food that fulfills my cravings a foodie from different culture that simultaneously focuses on health is really important to me.

As a talented speed painter, what do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

What I love most about performing on stage is that exhilarating moment when I finish a piece and turn it around to reveal it to the audience. For me, painting is like going on a journey—I’m in the zone, following the flow and rhythm, and I don’t always know exactly how the final piece will look until I take that step back. But when I see the completed piece along with audience’s reaction, it’s pure joy. Art is important to me, both as a hobby and how it serves as way for self-expression and historical documentation. Therefore, sharing my passion with others and seeing them appreciate the art is an honor that I cherish deeply.

You are currently studying environmental health at the University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón. Where do you see that field taking you?

I’m studying human biology, but my ultimate goal is to focus on environmental health. I want to gear my career towards acquiring a JD/PhD, with the PhD component focusing on Environmental Neuroscience. Specifically, I’m interested in how different environmental exposures, which are often prevalent in low-income communities, lead to poor health outcomes. My goal is to advocate for these communities and find ways to remove harmful exposures, ensuring everyone has the chance to live a healthy, prosperous life.

If you had an extra ticket to see the Criollos play the Gigantes, who would you take with you? Why?

That’s a tough decision because my family loves baseball, but I’d have to choose my sister. Everything is so much fun with her by my side. Even if I had to explain every detail of the game to her, because her baseball knowledge is not the best, she’d be just as excited as everyone else. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and it would make the experience even more memorable.

Is there a feature or activity during a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I’ve always wanted to attend the Series del Caribe. It’s a series of baseball games between different Caribbean islands. Every time the tournament comes around, my parents get super excited, especially when the Puerto Rican team faces off against the Dominican team. It keeps our family on its toes and sparks some friendly debates with our neighbors about which team will win. It’s more than just a game—it’s a celebration of my Dominican and Puerto Rican background, our culture and the collective love for baseball. It’s truly an activity that brings us all together.


That definitely sounds like an amazing time!

As always, I want to thank Wilma for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss America! It would be amazing to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Wilma during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account and website
They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Wilma! And, good luck!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Blaster Box Opening!

Finally found some of this at my Target. Not sure why it took so long. But, I really enjoy these cards. I like the mix of historic design with the chrome treatment. Plus, the fact that they seem to be released a year late, you already know who the true star rookies will be when you're opening it. Not bad at all. 

So, how did this box go? Let's find out!

Here's the box...

And eight packs.

Red Sox star Rafael Devers looking nice on the 1954 design. The green isn't my favorite background, but can't win them all.

And, like I said, you already know whether or not Marcus Wilson here is one of the hot rookies. Spoiler alert, he's not. But...Red Sox rookies are always welcomed!

And there you have it. A couple Sox players to hold on to. Definitely a fun blaster.

Be sure to subscribe to the Section 36 YouTube channel where you'll see every pack from this box opened. Don't miss a single card!

How did your box go?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Stephanie Finoti Visits Section 36!

It's time for another
 visitor to Section 36! 
Stephanie Finoti is passionate about STEM, is a talented dancer, and is the current Miss Ohio. I was honored she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Stephanie Finoti visits Section 36! 

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Ohio crown?

I celebrated my win by sleeping! I was incredibly sick during the competition and actually broke a fever the first night of prelims so some good rest was necessary for me to recover! Once I felt well-rested I was super excited to share the good news with my colleagues within my UPRISE internship at the University of Cincinnati, in which they surprised me with a pizza party and cupcakes to celebrate!

What part of the upcoming Miss America competition are you most nervous about?

I’m most nervous about creating my Miss America gown! There are so many beautiful gowns to choose from I can’t pick just one! However, I know the amazing team at our sponsor, Henri’s, will help me design the perfect gown that best represents my energy and personality on the Miss America stage!

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Ohio?

Throughout my year as Miss Ohio, my goal is to make every person in the rooms I enter feel as if they have the potential to make a difference in the world regardless of their age, background, ethnicity, or gender. Whether it be in the STEM field or not, I hope to help students from marginalized communities across Ohio reach their untapped potential!

How did you select your community Service Initiative, “That STEM Girl”?

As a first generation American and first generation college student, I faced many barriers when trying to achieve a higher education, specifically in the STEM field. I figured that when I didn’t have the resources or mentors I needed in my community, it was up to me to learn the skills that would help me reach my goals. Through this I developed a tool box that included building a professional portfolio, learning how to gain mentors through networking, and writing award winning scholarship essays which helped me afford my college tuition and gain valuable experience in the healthcare field as a nurse assistant. I now teach these skills to students through my non-profit organization, That STEM Girl, to help bring resources, representation, and recruitment into low-income and marginalized communities. 

As a talented dancer, what do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

My favorite part of dancing on-stage is when I’m able to connect with the audience by telling a story with both my facial expressions and body language. 

You are studying to become a pediatrician. What drew you to that field?

My mom was a neonatal nurse in Brazil so I’ve always admired that field by hearing her miraculous stories. However, what truly drew me to pediatrics  how I am continuously inspired by the resilience of pediatric patients who demonstrate strength through the most serious diagnosis. They show me that there is always some good in even the worst situations and motivate me to have a positive outlook in life. 

What is your personal fitness routine?

I don’t have as much of a personal fitness routine, it’s more of a lifestyle. Every week looks different for me in regards of my schedule and availability to go to the gym and I have never been a fan of diet culture. Instead of having a set diet and routine, I like to think mindfully about what I’m eating in regards to what nutrients I’m fueling my body with and try to take a step towards my personal fitness each day. Sometimes that means going to the gym for 2 hours but sometimes it only means taking the stairs during my 12 hour shifts at the hospital. No matter how small the effort, it is still a great contribution to my overall healthy lifestyle! 

If you had an extra ticket to see the Reds play the Guardians, who would you take with you? Why?

I would take my 11 year old little brother, Sean, who is an athlete himself! He always supports my endeavors whether it’s watching a pageant or supporting me at my appearances so it would be nice to treat him to an event that piques his interests! 

Is there a feature or activity during a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I have an upcoming appearance at a Reds game as the honorary captain, which I'm really looking forward to! With this role, I'll have the opportunity to talk to the players and coaches, and I'm eager to learn how they get into the right mindset before a game. I hope to gain some insights that will help me prepare for Miss America!


That definitely sounds like an incredible experience!

As always, I want to thank Stephanie for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss America! It would be amazing to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Stephanie during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account and website
They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Stephanie! And, good luck!

What people are reading this week