Friday, August 11, 2023

Arianna Shanks Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Arianna Shanks is passionate about domestic violence prevention, a budding physical therapist, and the current Miss Banks of the Wabash. I was so excited that she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Arianna Shanks visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Banks of the Wabash crown?

When I decided I was competing, I told my family not to worry about attending the competition. It was my first time ever competing and I didn’t expect much. Lucky for me my parents disregarded my wishes and came anyway. They brought me flowers and were very supportive, but since it was so late they had to head home. I went back to college and found my whole friend group in my dorm ready to throw me a congratulations party, which was so special! 

What has been the biggest surprise about your time as Miss Banks of the Wabash?

For me it’s been the doors that have been opened! I’ve been trying to volunteer in my community for years, but I’ve found that opportunities present themselves much more frequently when you have a title. I’ve gotten some really amazing opportunities for advocacy and service and I hope to continue my work for a long time. 

This summer you competed at your first Miss Indiana competition. What was your favorite memory from that experience?

I loved every single second of competing for Miss Indiana, but the memory that really stands out is from the first preliminary night, where I answered my on-stage question. In my answer about supporting survivors I gave a few statistics about domestic violence. At one point I could literally hear the reaction to the statistics ripple through the audience; when I came off the stage after answering my on stage question, I had someone thank me. They said they were grateful for my bravery, and that I made them tear up while I was talking. They told me to keep going, and keep sharing my story, because they too were a survivor who never got the chance to do what I was doing. You can see it in someone’s eyes when they’ve lived the same experience as you, and most of the women i interacted with post-competition didn’t have to say a word. We shared a knowing glance and their appreciation (and my admiration for them) was obvious. I will never forget that. 

How did you select your social impact initiative, “The Gabby Project”?

“The Gabby Project” itself is a project that uses education to attempt to prevent domestic violence and uses every resource possible to support survivors. I know for some people it can be hard to pick an initiative, but for me I could feel it in my gut the minute I realized I needed to pick something to advocate for. Since I was so new to MAO, I didn’t have years to think about what was important to me; instead I had about a month to pick and perfect my platform. I had been personally affected by domestic violence, which is what fueled my passion to protect other girls like me. 

I was 15 when I got into my relationship with my abuser. Too young to have enough dating experience to spot red flags, and too young to understand that the way I was being treated was completely unacceptable. 

I strongly believe that if someone then had been doing what I’m doing now, my abuse could’ve been prevented. If I had someone looking out for me and educating me on what abuse looks like, I would never have ended up in that position in the first place. 

My initiative is called “The Gabby Project” as a testament to how young I was when my abuse started. Many people don’t know this, but “Gabby” is me. My grandfather called me “Gabby” as a child as a nickname for me, because my full name is Arianna Gabrielle. He called me that for YEARS, and hearing that name reminds me of being a child: which is exactly what I was at 15. All I have ever wanted is simultaneously use my story as a warning against abuse, and as proof that you are not what happens to you. 

You’re currently studying kinesiology at the University of Indianapolis. Where do you see that field taking you?

My hope is that I’ll attend Uindy’s school of physical therapy and graduate with my DPT. Our current Miss Indiana works at Riley Children’s Hospital as a registered nurse, and my dream is to work there as a pediatric physical therapist. 

What is your personal fitness routine?

I pretty much live in the gym. Strength training helps me feel a sense of control, and it’s nice to see the amazing things that my body is capable of. My typical week consists of 6 heavy lifting days, 3-4 cardio days, and 2-3 yoga classes. I like to incorporate all of these things to keep myself well rounded. 

If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

If we’re counting Marvel as disney, I would say Shuri from Black Panther. She is incredibly cool, and has access to amazing technology. I also love her fiery personality and her fashion sense. As a science nerd, I would love to have access to her labs and research even if it was just for a week! 

If you had an extra ticket to a Fort Wayne Tincaps baseball game, who would you take with you? Why?

I would take my Dad with me! He loves the atmosphere of sports games, and he’s usually the person I go to baseball or basketball games with. Mostly though, I would take him with me because he deserves a day off. He works so hard all day every day to support me and my siblings, and I’ve never heard him complain, even once. he is so focused on serving others he forgets to find time for himself. I love getting to spend time with him and it would be a lot of fun to take a trip with just him. 

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I’ve always wanted to throw the first pitch at a baseball game! My hometown actually has their own minor league, called the Jackrabbits. I think it would be super special to get to throw the first pitch, especially because I’m currently the only pageant queen in/from my hometown! 


A first pitch would be a great opportunity, especially in her hometown!.

As always, I want to thank Arianna for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Emma during the rest of her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account. 
It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Arianna, and good luck !

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