Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A First Step!

The Red Sox became the first team to punch their playoff ticket with their win last night. That's a pretty impressive feat, to be the first. It's one thing to maybe have a big lead in a weak division. But, to clinch a playoff spot, you have to be better than like four other teams. To be that far ahead of all those teams that you clinch the beginning of September no less...that means you're pretty good.

Does it mean anything other than that? Not really. Because the playoff spot that has been clinched is about the worst playoff spot there is. The visiting team in the Wild Card game. 


So, the beat needs to go on. This needs to just be a step towards the clinching that the Sox do want. Clinching the division. Clinching home field. Clinching the World Series. Those are the ones that matter.

Which is why there wasn't a celebration last night. Personally, I've never been one to regulate celebrations. It doesn't ever think they celebrated an achievement too much. I don't care if they spray champagne to celebrate an April series victory. But i do think there's something to realizing that there's more. Clinching a playoff spot isn't a time to relax and sit back enjoying a job well done. It's a time to press on and keep climbing higher.

So, on to win 100! 


  1. Considering how well they're playing, I'm surprised they didn't lock it down further. Any other division and it would have been locked two weeks ago. I just hope the Cubs don't have to face them

    1. Yeah, the Yankees have been annoying about sticking juuuust close enough. I'd be happy with facing the Cubs. After all, that would mean making the World Series.


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