Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Friend of the Blog: Serena

With the Red Sox hosting the Yankees at the moment, I thought it was a good time to give an extended shoutout to Serena, who has definitely earned "Friend of the Blog" status, despite being a fan of the Evil Empire.

As I'm sure you're aware, I love pictures. Specifically, I love people sending in pictures to post. Whenever someone sends in a bunch of great pictures, or a particularly good picture I love it even more. Maybe I'll make a bigger deal out of it, which I should. Then I have to remind that Serena continuously sends in amazing pictures. So much so, that I may take it for granted a bit. So, to rectify that, I want to give her her due!

Not only do her pictures have quality AND quantity, they have variety. They cover just about every category I look for. For instance...

Since Serena is a yoga instructor (hence her twitter: theyogijedi. Check it out. Now. I'll wait.) several of her pictures have been of her working out. And, of course, she's wearing her Section 36 gear (get yours here) in order to take the perfect picture. Like these:

But that's not all. As you probably know (especially if you frequent the BYBHub) Serena is half of the Traveling Baseball Babes. As a duo, they can always be counted on to supply great pictures. Whether is posing with different Section 36's they find during their stadium tours...

Or expressing their desire to be in the best section around...

So, as you can see, Serena has been a true friend (and asset) to the blog. I greatly appreciate her many contributions, and can't wait to see which ones come next!

Thanks Serena!

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