
Friday, June 29, 2018

Macie Tuell Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Macie Tuell is a violinist, a diehard Dodgers fan, and the current Miss Lake Tahoe. She is currently
gearing up for the Miss Nevada competition on Sunday. In fact, she
was gracious enough to answer some questions after one of the rehersals for the event! I’m thrilled that she generously took time out of her busy schedule to discuss those topics, and a few more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading everything she had to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Macie Tuell visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate being crowned Miss Lake Tahoe?
I had my favorite guilty pleasure food: chicken quesadillas from Taco Bell. 

What aspect of the upcoming Miss Nevada competition are you most looking forward to?
I'm looking forward most to interview. I've always loved making connections and learning other people's stories. People won't always remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel. I love leaving an impression.

You recently went to Connecticut to join other local titleholders for a golf tournament. What was it like to travel across the country for an appearance?
It was the experience of a lifetime! I got to finally meet one of my good friends Miss Tolland County, Gina Salvatore and her family. Meeting Miss America and all of the other girls from Connecticut made me have a deeper appreciation for the sisterhood. They took me in and were just as excited to have me there as I was to be there. 

How did you select your platform, Memories Matter: Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness?
It wasn't something I planned on advocating for, until I started
working at a nursing home. I worked one on one with Alzheimer's patients, where I quickly created bonds with all my residents. They became my second family. It killed me inside to see them suffer from a horrible disease. I knew I never wanted to see another person I cared for go through that. I began to work with three different nonprofits, The Perry Foundation, Alzheimer's Association, and The Youth Movement Against Alzheimer's. 

As a talented violinist, what is it like to play on stage?
I've been classically training as a violinist for 16 years. I've performed fiddle songs as well as even Michael Jackson covers, but nothing makes me happier than performing classical pieces. This year I'll be performing Czardas by Vittorio Monti. 

What is your personal fitness routine?
I love weight training. I've always been a petite person so gaining muscle is my biggest goal in the gym. Adding in yoga and occasional Zumba classes with healthy eating rounds out my fitness routine. 

How did Miss Lake Tahoe end up a LA Dodgers fan?
I grew up a competitive softball player so baseball is my favorite
sport. On my mom’s side of the family we have a cousin who was a player for the Dodgers in the 1980's. The beginning to our Dodger family fandom was born! Also, who doesn't love that Dodger blue?

Dave Roberts never has to buy a drink in Boston again following his Steal in 2004. After leading the Dodgers to the World Series last season, how are Dodgers fans liking him this season?
To be completely honestly I haven't heard enough to give an educated answer on behalf of all Dodger fans! Pageants have kept me quite busy and away from baseball news.

Who will have the better 2018 season, the Red Sox or Dodgers?
Dodgers all the way baby. 


I guess we’ll just see about that!

As always, I want to give huge thanks to Macie for doing this interview, especially since she has so much going on right. I also want to thank her for providing the pictures to accompany the interview. They always make interviews a lot more fun to read.

As Macie continues her time as Miss Lake Tahoe, I encourage you to follow her on the official Miss Lake Tahoe Facebook page. 

I also want to wish Macie luck this Sunday as she competes for the Miss Nevada crown! As the first visitor from Nevada, she’s the first chance for a member of the Section 36 family to take home that crown. How incredible would that be?

Thanks again Macie, and good luck!

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