
Friday, July 7, 2023

Faith Johnson Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Faith Johnson is passionate about the theatre, a talented singer, and the current Miss Montana. I was so excited that she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Faith Johnson visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Montana crown?

I celebrated after my crowning with my family. We went out to eat some super greasy and fried food at a local restaurant. The next day, I really jumped right into event planning. I went to Wyoming for the crowning of their new Miss and Teen 4 days after I was crowned and then to Washington for their crowning as well, a week and a half after! It's been busy so far, but so worth it!

What is something Alexa Baisch did as Miss Montana that you would like to emulate?

Alexa (Allie) was a social media QUEEN when it came to promoting Miss Montana on all the social media platforms. I really hope I can be as active and interesting in my posts as she was with hers. Allie was also a hard worker and put so much effort and time into making her appearances the best and fun for everyone who may have been involved. This is something I strive to do as well, make sure everyone I come in contact with walks away with a smile and feel loved!

What part of the upcoming Miss America competition are you most nervous about?

I am so nervous for the onstage interview/question. I have always prided myself with being an eloquent public speaker, but when it comes to being judged on it, I get so nervous and shaky. I will be practicing this a lot before the competition.

How did you select your Community Service Initiative, “Connecting Hearts through the Arts”?

My CSI comes from my years and years in theatre. I started at the age of 4 and throughout my years I have personally seen the incredible growth and transformation that the arts inspire in people when it comes to empathy, understanding, and compassion for others. I wanted to let my community, and anyone I may come in contact with, know about the incredible benefits of theatre while advocating for more funding in schools for the arts, since it is not prioritized as much as other extracurriculars.

What do you enjoy most about performing your talent on stage?

I honestly just love being on stage, so being able to perform my talent (which is always a vocal performance of some kind) for an audience is so rewarding. My mom always says my voice is a gift and sharing it is such a blessing.

What is your personal fitness routine?

My fitness consists of periodic visits to the gym, but I primarily focus on my mental health/fitness by going to therapy and try to prioritize healthy eating as well. I believe that going to the gym is absolutely something that is important for many people, but if we are not focusing on our mental health and eating habits in addition to the gym, the gym is not going to do much for us.

You are currently studying psychology and sociology. Where do you see those fields taking you?

I am so glad I pursued psychology and sociology. I have alwaysbeen fascinated with "why" people do the things they do, and these two disciplines help understand that a little better. I plan on going to law school in order to enter the criminal side of things (in and out of the courtroom). Psychology and Sociology will help immensely when in this field because it will help me understand why criminals may have acted the way they did and possibly offer solutions for them that does not only include the possibility of prison, but hopefully reform and re-entry into society in a positive way that will reduce recidivism.

If you had an extra ticket to a Pioneer League baseball game, who would you take with you? Why?

I would absolutely take my dad. I grew up going to our local baseball teams' games during the summer. I vividly remember scarfing down peanuts with my dad and watching the game. It was always nice spending time with my dad, so I would take him, as we no longer have a hometown baseball team.

Is there a feature or activity during a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I would LOVE to sing the national anthem for a baseball game. I have been singing for such a long time and it is an absolute privilege to sing for our country and honor our flag with my voice. I think throwing the opening pitch at a major league game would also be awesome if I was unable to sing the anthem.


Those sound like great goals!

As always, I want to thank Faith for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss America! It would be fantastic to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Faith during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Faith, and good luck!

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