
Friday, June 23, 2023

Lianna Hartshorn Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Lianna Hartshorn is passionate about a healthy heart, a future doctor, and the current Miss New Mexico. I was so honored that she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Lianna Hartshorn visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss New Mexico crown?

After winning Miss New Mexico, I celebrated with my family and friends. They were the ones who supported me along the way, so the fact I could celebrate them on achieving my dream job was so surreal. I plan on continuing to celebrate my success every day by dedicating my time to my dream job, and savoring every moment I spend with my community and representing my state. 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss New Mexico competition that will help you at Miss America?

During Miss New Mexico week, I got to meet so many beautiful, successful, and smart women around the state. What I learned during my experience is to be confident in the work I put in. I learned to trust in God’s wisdom, timing, and plan for me. I became so close with the girls I competed with, and I was happy to celebrate their successes, as they celebrated mine. I can’t wait to experience the sisterhood and make new friends at Miss America. 

What is something Kaitlin Kerl did as Miss New Mexico that you would like to emulate?

Kaitlin Kerl, my former Miss New Mexico, brought so much attention to STEM. As a fellow woman in STEM, I would like to continue her legacy to inspire fellow women and minorities to pursue STEM as well. I was also inspired by her use of social media to grow the Miss New Mexico Organization, and I hope to continue to use modern technology to grow the platform as well. Finally, even though she passed her title to me, Kaitlin and I still keep in contact. She is a beautiful woman inside and out and her love for the New Mexico community has made such an impact on my life and others. 

How did you select your social impact initiative, “How to Start a Healthy Heart”?

I chose “How To Start A Healthy Heart” as my social impact initiative for many reasons. Initially, I chose it because my family has a history of heart health disease. Seeing what my family has had to go through because of their heart health, I started my journey to ensure I did not fall into the same fate. Through research, I learned that heart disease is the number one cause of death in America. I was also surprised to learn that most heart disease is preventable. Through dedication and research, I have become the healthiest version of myself, physically and mentally, and decided to share my knowledge and passion with New Mexico. Using my love for science and human health, I have been able to make appearances that teach students about the anatomy of the heart, how their habits affect it, basic CPR, and more. I hope to change the statistics, change America’s health habits for the better, and equip people with life-saving knowledge. 

You’re currently PreMed at NMSU. Where do you see those studies taking you?

I am entering my senior year at NMSU where I am pursuing a Bachelor’s in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Being a woman and minority in STEM has not been easy, but I am blessed to have the opportunity to chase my dreams and put my intelligence to use. I aspire to become a medical doctor and specialize as a pediatric surgeon. Because of my involvement within the Miss America Organization, that dream becomes a lot more attainable through the scholarship money I have been awarded. 

What is your personal fitness routine?

In alignment with my social impact initiative and #missamericafit, I take my health very seriously. I go to the gym several times a week and ensure I am eating a balanced diet. I also take care of my mental health by ensuring I have enough time for myself and maintaining my relationships with my family, friends, and God. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you be? Why?

If I could be a Disney character for a week, I would be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Fun fact, I have already dressed up as Belle many times to do readings for students. To encourage and instill the importance of education. I love Belle because she pursues her education, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

If you had an extra ticket to an Albuquerque Isotopes game, who would you take with you? Why?

I would take my cousin if I had an extra ticket to an Albuquerque Isotopes game! Zacchaeus loves baseball and frequently goes to Albuquerque to play. Though he is in middle school, he aspires to pursue college baseball. He works hard every day for it. 

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I would love to open a baseball game by singing the National Anthem and throwing the first pitch! Showing my pride as an American by singing to such an audience would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience! 


Definitely an amazing experience!

As always, I want to thank Lianna for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss America! It would be fantastic to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Lianna during her journey. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on, and you'll be sure not to miss anything. 

Thanks again Lianna, and good luck!

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