
Friday, July 16, 2021

Maura Spence-Carroll Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Maura Spence-Carroll is passionate about military mental health, a talented singer, and the current Miss Colorado. I was thrilled that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Maura Spence-Carroll visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Colorado crown?

I had a lot of friends and family fly in from around the country to support me, so we had a small get together. It consisted mostly of my family passing around the crown and my mom crying because she was so excited for me; there weren’t many food options, though, so my 2 close friends and I ended up going to Waffle House at 1am. The staff all laughed because apparently my teen had come in about an hour earlier! I’ve never been so thankful for a waffle and some orange juice in my life.

Do you have a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Colorado? 

I have SO many goals I want to accomplish. I find myself having these big ideas, and the difference between now and a few weeks ago is that now I can enact them with more support. The biggest is one I doubt I’ll see during my year, but I can put the pieces in motion to change the way service members think of mental health. It’s a cultural shift, which is why it’s going to take time. The other main one is that I want to see the Brandon Act passed in Congress. It’s a bipartisan bill that would allow service members to receive confidential access to mental health care. I fully believe it would save lives once enacted, so service members don’t feel as desperate as Brandon Caserta did (for whom the bill is named after).


You’re the first Active Duty soldier to wear the Miss Colorado crown. What does that mean to you?

It’s surreal because I’m being posted EVERYWHERE – I found an article about me that was on the Yahoo News featured page. I’m Miss Colorado, first active duty soldier to compete at Miss America, all these other things – but I’m still just me. I didn’t expect to have so many people contacting me with messages of support and encouragement. I’ve had veterans tell me about their experience battling depression; mothers message me to say they appreciate me talking about mental health because they lost their child to suicide (those messages are the most heartbreaking), other soldiers tell me that they hope we can enact change because they know what it’s like living with a mental health condition. . . I see myself as the same woman I was before I was crowned, so it’s a true testament to the platform that being a state titleholder awards you.


How did you select your social impact initiative, “#EndTheStigma Surrounding Military Mental Healthcare”?

I noticed during my time that there were two barriers to service members seeking mental healthcare: social stigma, and lack of command support (which stems from the social stigma that exists). I decided to use the phrase “22 Too Many” because it became a cultural sticking point a few years ago, but also because I want to make it clear that doing pushups on social media in support, while heartfelt, isn’t enough. Research has shown that people who receive treatment for mental health conditions are less likely to commit suicide. We need leaders at every level who encourage service members to receive care. We need SMs to know that they won’t be judged for receiving that care. Most importantly, we need those who are comfortable talking about it openly discussing the ways that treatment improved their quality of life – from top to bottom of the ranks. Cultural change, legislature, and proactive care – THAT is how we prevent service members and veterans from committing suicide.

As a talented singer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?

I love telling a story through music! There’s this electric thrill that comes from taking a piece and telling the story not just through the lyrics and melody, but through the emotional aspect, as well. My mom was a Celtic musician growing up, and my grandfather loved bluegrass – both of which are about the story told as much as they are the music itself.


You’ve been able to work at the Texas Renaissance Festival. What was that experience like?

That was one of the best jobs I have EVER had. I didn’t mean to audition, but my Aunt Christi convinced me to go to a rehearsal – and by the end of the day, I was on the Scottish court! I was on cast for 4 seasons, from 2014-2017, and I learned a lot about myself as both a performer and human. It also helped me with the anxiety and depression I developed at the time because I was newly homeschooled my first year, and my second season started a few months after my sister Kitty passed away. My cast “fairemily” lifted me and my family up when we needed it most, and I met some of my closest friends from my time there, such as my best friend Maddie!


If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

Merida from Brave. She’s Scottish, I’m Irish (with a Scottish stepdad), and I would kill to be able to do anything as athletic as being a skilled archer! I’m assuming this includes being in her home for a week, and the Scottish Highlands are breathtaking.


As an Astros fan, If you had an extra ticket to an Astros-Red Sox game, who would you take with you? Why?

If I could invite ANYONE, I would invite Aubrey Plaza. I don’t know if she likes baseball, but I’m pretty sure her commentary would be hilarious regardless, and would only be better if she had no idea what was going on.


Real life? I would take my cousin Jackson. We grew up together, and we’re still close friends. He also only vaguely understands the rules of the game – that someone throws a ball and someone else hits it and runs – so, again, hilarious commentary. (I just called him to ask what he knows, and he said “I know there’s a ball and sometimes they run a lot”, so I was correct.)


Is there a feature or activity of a game at Minute Maid Park that you’d especially like to experience?

I would LOVE to throw out the first pitch at a game! I have approximately zero athletic ability, but to me that’s the perfect gig. I get to throw the pitch and then watch my favorite team play IN PERSON? Magical.


I'd love to be able to do that as well! 

As always, I want to thank Maura for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

As Maura continues her time as Miss Colorado, I encourage you to follow her title's Instagram and Facebook account. You can also check out the Miss Colorado website. They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on! 

I also want to wish her the best of luck when she competes for the Miss America crown this winter. It would be fantastic to have another section 36 visitor wear that crown!

Thanks again Maura, and good luck!

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