
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Madison Hawkes Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Madison Hawkes is passionate about fighting cancer, a fairytale princess, and the current Miss Seacoast. I was so excited that she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Madison Hawkes visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Seacoast title? 

The very first thing I did was FaceTime my mom! She unfortunately was not able to attend the competition, so you can imagine how excited she was when I called her wearing my crown and sash. I actually had traveled to the competition from Maine, as I was house sitting with some friends. So after I drove back to Maine, my friends and I turned on the fire pit, put on some music, and celebrated by just unwinding and soaking up each other’s company.

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Seacoast competition that will help you when you compete for Miss New Hampshire? 

Though it is titled as a competition, the most important thing is to have fun. I used to go into locals a nervous wreck and compared myself to the other incredible participants. We have to lift each other up and remember that this is a sisterhood above all. 

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Seacoast? 

With my year as Miss Seacoast I would love to expand my platform, The American Cancer Society. I would do this going into not only schools, but also small businesses, to discuss how to know the signs of cancer, how to prevent it, as well as how to support patients and families affected. As someone who has had their family be heavily affected by cancer, I wish I had someone who provided support and resources from an organization such as The American Cancer Society, so I want to do my part to be that helping hand.

How did you select your American Cancer Society social impact initiative?

Right before the pandemic hit, my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. A couple months after that her best friend as well as one of my aunts would also be diagnosed. My mom had to quit her job because the chemotherapy was making her so weak. I was a full time student at Plymouth State University and got multiple full time jobs to do what I could to provide for my family. On weekends I would drive two hours home to help cook, clean, do anything my mom needed me to do. When I was sitting with her one night on the couch because she couldn’t sleep and wanted company, all I could think was how blessed we are to have what we have and how some families couldn’t even afford proper care. So I did my research and discovered The American Cancer Society. I got to work with them right away, helping with the Rockingham County Relay for Life, and we were able to raise over $75,000! They have truly become another family to me, and I’m beyond excited for some projects I have planned with them so stay tuned!

You’re on the peer board for Reach 1 Teach 1 Love 1. What can you tell me about that? 

One of my good friends, Marena Beale, the current Miss Kingston’s Outstanding Teen, reached out to me about an incredible opportunity to be part of this organization almost a year ago now. She knew how involved I was with different mental health clubs and organizations from Astros United, to the Center for Life Management, and thought I would be a perfect fit on the new Peer Board! I take on the role as Marketing & Events Coordinator, where I get us connected with different events and opportunities and create different ways to promote what we are doing. But it’s not all planning and going to events, each of us on the board has a story about their mental health journey and they have the opportunity to share it on our website. For example, in my story I talk about my journey as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, growing up in a small town that wasn’t that accepting, and how I overcame hate to love my true self.

What is your personal fitness routine? 

As someone who is very music-based, I tend to do a lot of

dance workouts. I used to go to the gym at school, but when it closed due to COVID-19 protocols, I needed to find a different way to burn off those college calories as I call them! I discovered these YouTube dance workout videos and loved them, my favorites are the ABBA dance workout videos!

You’re the founder of NH Fairytale Princess. What’s it like to be involved with that? 

My small business, Fairytale New Hampshire, was founded on the ideas of spreading magic and inspiring others. We have made it a priority to be body inclusive, love inclusive, and family inclusive. Being able to see this cast grow from just two people, to a group of friends with theatre based backgrounds has been absolutely incredible to say the least. We have gone to events from northern New Hampshire, to Massachusetts! We were even able to spread magic virtually during the pandemic from the comfort of our homes. It has helped me grow not only my business, marketing and media skills, but also my leadership skills in a way I never had experienced before. The amount of lives we have touched makes the entire journey worth it.

Who is your favorite Red Sox player? Why? 

Though he is now a former Red Sox player, Big Papi himself, David Ortiz, will always be my favorite! Not only did he show dedication to his team, but he also showed dedication to his family and loved ones, which is the most important thing. He gave 110% on and off the field every time and has continued to be a positive influence on Sox fans past retirement. 

Is there a feature or activity during a game at Fenway Park that you’d especially like to experience? 

I genuinely cannot wait to get back to Fenway, be surrounded by fellow Sox fans, and hear everyone belt out “Sweet Caroline”. That is when I think fans truly come together as one and show their support for one another. It is always one of the most positive experiences of every Sox game and I cannot wait to experience that again!


I can't wait to get back to that myself!

As always, I want to thank Madison for visiting with us, and for sending along the fantastic pictures to go with the interview.

Since I know you want to keep track of Madison during her time as Miss Seacoast, I suggest you follow her title's Instagram account to make sure you don't miss anything she has going on! 

I also want to wish Madison luck when she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown. It would be great to have another Section 36 visitor win that title.

Thanks again Madison, and good luck!

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