
Monday, September 25, 2017

The 30-Day Baseball Card Challenge: Day #24

Tony, the wonderful writer of the “Off Hiatus Baseball” blog, started a fun activity based off the “30-Day Music Challenge” that Twitter users were taking. The list of challenges looks like this:

Today, we’ll continue with Challenge #24: A favorite oddball card from the 1960's.

Ok. Today we're going to try a little experiment. How long will you all read a post about nothing?

(I know...aren't all my posts about nothing? Hardy haw haw)

But, when I last did one of these about the 1960's I admitted that my collection was severely lacking in cards from that decade. In fact, it contains only two cards. Both 1960 Topps. Neither one the slightest bit odd. (Ok, one is a rookie subset...but that's still a stretch.)

I've even discussed the reasons for this. The 50's and 60's are that tweener section. Not old enough to be "cool vintage" like a tobacco card, or even a PlayBall. But, not new enough to have cards of my favorite players. So, the desire to acquire them was never really there.

I did once, if you remember, have a couple more cards from the 60's in my hands. But, they needed to be returned to their rightful owner. I should have stashed them away as a processing fee or something. But, still, neither of them were really oddballs.

So, I suppose I'm left with a question. Which oddballs am I most missing from my collection. It occurs to me that the oddball cards might be a fun way to add some visual interest to my collection. But, I'm not able to think of any great ones off the top of my head from the 60's. (Or, the 50's for that matter.) But, there must be some out there I should chase down.

Which oddball cards from the 60's (or 50's) would you recommend?

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