
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Was Jason Varitek Any Good?

Ok. It's time to once again to look back through my scorecards and see how a Red Sox favorite performed while I was keeping score. Did he perform up to his expectations? Or beyond? Or was I a bad luck charm?

Today I decided to look at the Captain, Jason Varitek. I saw a large number of TEK games over the years. How did he perform? Let's find out!

Told you I saw a lot of his games!

How did he do? Pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

Looks like I saw over half a season worth of games from Varitek. That's quite a sample size. In those games, he batted over .300 with an OPS over .900! Those are all-star numbers at least.

How do his projections work out? Over a 660 at-bat season, I'd see Varitek hit 21 home runs, and drive in over 100. 

Which is great. It means I saw Varitek as he should have been seen. I saw all the quality that he provided in every game. I was glad I got to see it. 

How did he do when you were in the park?


  1. I only saw him a couple of times, but one of those was his first Major League home run, another was his only career three homer game, both in Kansas City. Yep, he was pretty good.

    1. Clearly you needed to go to more Varitek games!
