
Monday, February 13, 2017

Pitchers, Catchers, and Sunshine

Most years today is somewhat annoying. We all spend months counting down until the day when pitchers and catchers finally report to Spring Training. The Red Sox tweet out the new number daily. We all wain anxiously for...well...nothing.

Because, the official start of Spring Training doesn't really mean anything. The pitchers and catchers are all mostly already in Florida. Heck, several of the positional players are already there. They're already doing workouts, and will keep on having them. We're still weeks and weeks away from real games. From what we're all really waiting for.

But. This year. As I'm digging out from the foot of snow dumped on me last night.

I sure do enjoy seeing all the video of baseball being played in the sunshine. Of the signs of summer being right around the corner. The promise that people will be wearing tank tops again before you know it.

Sure, it doesn't mean anything as far as the Red Sox are concerned. Sure, it just means I'll be worried about someone getting hurt for the next couple months. Sure, it just means hour by hour updates of nothing going on are going to fill my timelines.

But, it sure is nice to see.

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