
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Picture Pages

This was an absolute banner weekend for submissions of Section 36 Pix. I thought it made for a great opportunity to show everyone who might not look at the pages every day what they’ve been missing.

One of my favorite pages is the Pix in 36 page, showing pictures of people enjoying a game in Section 36. Recent additions include:

Submitted by Pita

Submitted by Jack
A bit camera shy? That’s OK. People also this weekend sent in Pix from Section 36. Like this great shot:

Submitted by Yakily
Another great page is the Pix with 36 page. It’s not always possible to get seats in Section 36. There’s a finite number, after all. And, I know it’s not always easy to get over to Section 36 during the game. You want to stay in your seat and see all the action. But, it doesn’t mean you can’t show your support of the best section in the park! Recent additions to this page have included:

Submitted by Ariane
Sometimes, you can’t even make it to Fenway. I know, life gets in the way. That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t rather be there. Pics with a “I’d Rather be in Section 36” sign can be the most creative. Like this latest addition:

Submitted by Celia
So, as you can see, there’s no reason not to check out the great submissions to Section 36 Pix every day. And, go “like” the Section 36 FB page so you can see even more all the time. A big thank you to everyone who submitted pictures this weekend, or any other time!

After all, we all love great looking pictures!

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