
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Mikaela Mohr Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Mikaela Mohr is passionate about breast cancer care, a top saleswoman, and the current Miss Winona. I was flattered she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Mikaela Mohr visits Section 36!

How did you react to being crowned Miss Winona? 

With Winona being my hometown - being Miss Winona was a dream of mine given I had looked up to her since I was a little girl. I remember feeling quite literally shocked that the crown was actually being placed on my head...not to mention I was crowned by Miss Minnesota, Rachel Evangelisto (the former Miss Winona), and MISS AMERICA (at the time), Emma Broyles. There was honestly this feeling of meant-to-be, like "I did it. I finally did it." Then after the competition, there was a reception in which it hit me...I get to continue my journey within the Miss America Organization and represent my hometown while I compete for the role of Miss Minnesota 2023. 

What has been the most pleasant surprise about your time as Miss Winona? 

The abundance of support. I have so many people in my corner cheering for me, coaching me, and simply joining me on this next step of my journey: Miss Minnesota.

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Winona? 

To wear this crown for the right reason. I get asked often, "Why did you start competing?" and the answer is simple; for others who may not recognize that their story matters too. I grew up as the daughter (and caregiver) of a two-time Breast Cancer Survivor; my mom. She was first diagnosed when I was in 5th grade so the majority of my developmental years were centric on caring for others, which I'm grateful for as it shaped me into who I am today. Now, was there some part of me that was saddened, angry, and even resentful at times? Absolutely! However, I NEVER felt this way towards my mother...more so at the fact that there was nobody to really "blame." This was just the way life was meant to be - and it was difficult to accept, yet as I grew through the experience I can now look back and realize what life skills, experiences, and even lessons I had learned and chose to see the positive. This is my goal during my time as Miss Winona - to bring visibility to the loved ones of someone diagnosed with cancer, and to support the supporters. The Miss America Organization provides the opportunity to share passions through a "Community Service Initiative" to dedicate your year to a specific cause. I chose to use this avenue to share my experiences and I call this,

More Than a Diagnosis. 

How did you select your community service initiative? 

It started before even being given the crown. I partnered with a local hospital and we started a now-annual Color Fun Run to benefit Breast Cancer patients/survivors called, ThinkPINK Winona. We started with no template or quite frankly much of a budget. In only a few months we pulled together a community event with several sponsors and over 150 people in attendance. I remember as everyone gathered at the starting line and the pink powder started flying my mother and I counted down from 3..2...1 and just seeing this moment come to fruition; all of the smiles, laughter, color, and even mother looked over at me and said, "I never realized how much my diagnosis effected you too." This hit me HARD. We were both so focused on her surviving such a difficult pathway that even I never looked at my experience and all that had come from it. 8 Months later I competed for Miss Winona, was given this amazing year, and realized that I'm not the only one. Over 1.9 Million Americans were diagnosed with cancer in 2022, meaning there are going to be children, spouses, siblings, grandparents, neighbors, and friends who are going to step into the supportive role and help their loved one survive. It takes a lot to care for someone and it's pivotal that we rely on one another as it truly takes a village.

You currently work in sales. What is that experience like for you? 

Oh, absolutely amazing! I work for a Fortune 500 global company based in Minnesota. I started my career after graduating from the AACSB-Accredited Winona State College of Business in December 2022. Now, taking on this role in an already male-dominated vertical is one thing...but I'm in SUPPLY CHAIN Sales, which only took that to a whole new level. In the past few months I have been honored to be recognized as a top performer, but I truly believe it's all centric on the mindset. I love my job and have felt nothing but support (especially towards my journey in the Miss America Organization), but the most experiential piece of it all is being able to work in a place that values my strong work ethic and encourages me to improve continuously. One thing I love is the atmosphere of being "remote first", even though I go into the headquarters by choice several times a week. I've chosen to use this step in my career to network with others within my industry and influential C-suite leaders to build my professional and personal network.

How would you complete the sentence, “I get great satisfaction when ___”? 

…passion drives positive change. One thing I made clear from the start of this crazy journey within the MAO was that I don't want to just show up to an event, take photos, and leave...I'm here to make a difference. I choose to get involved with an appearance from the beginning; sitting on committee boards, helping plan or outsource fundraising, connecting with sponsors, or simply helping elevate the marketing efforts of an organization; I'm all about using my talents and profession to make a difference not only on stage but behind the scenes.

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why? 

Dory from Finding Nemo. Even though she has short-term memory loss, she continually chooses to live life to the fullest and with a positive outlook. Also, just imagine how exciting and adventurous your every day would be to re-experience as if it had never happened before. And yes, there are definitely negative aspects of having memory loss of any kind, which many people face in their everyday lives, but I also believe that being able to actually live in their shoes for a week would be truly eye-opening - to actually physically and emotionally understand what someone is going through so you can best support them.

If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play the Twins, who would you take with you? Why? 

I'm actually going to a Twins game at the end of April (for an American Cancer Society MN event), and I'm bringing my mom! We never got to experience things like that given we were focused on "other" things during my childhood [aka her surviving cancer of course] so it'll be fun to make those memories now that she's healthy and we still have the opportunity to do so.

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

Singing the national anthem. (Which might just be something in the works if I'm blessed with the title of Miss Minnesota 2023 )


I definitely hope she gets to do that!

As always, I want to thank Mikaela for visiting with us, and for sending along the picture to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss Minnesota! It would be fantastic to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Mikaela during her journey. You should be sure to check out her Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on. In fact, check out her whole linktree! That way you'll be sure not to miss anything.

Thanks again Mikaela, and good luck!   

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