
Friday, March 3, 2023

Katie Farr Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Katie Farr is passionate about eating disorder awareness, a talented singer, and the current Miss Springfield Rt 66. I was so glad she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Katie Farr visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Springfield RT 66 crown?

After winning the crown I went to Andy's Frozen Custard and enjoyed my favorite dessert, a vanilla concrete with peanut butter and Reece's peanut butter cups. (as you can now tell, I am a huge fan of peanut butter)

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Springfield RT 66?

As Miss Springfield Rt 66 my goal is to support my college community and give back to the area that has given so much to me in the two short years I've been a part of it. I am also becoming a Feed the Facts presenter through the Missouri Eating Disorders Association, and I would love to educate at least 500 students in the Springfield community and my hometown of Jefferson City before the Miss Missouri pageant in June. 

What part of the upcoming Miss Missouri competition are you most nervous about?

Having one year of experience at state is quelling most of my nerves. What I am most nervous about is not showing my full self to the judges and getting in my head about the competition as a whole. I want to focus on enjoying the experience and showcase the hard work it took for me to get there.

How did you select your community service initiative, “Altogether Beautiful: Eating Disorder Awareness”?

My CSI is founded in my own struggles with an eating disorder in high school. There was no education or awareness in my area and that led me to suffer for much longer. When I shared my eating disorder journey for the first time, it was a testimony for class. We were asked to find a bible verse to go along with our testimonies and mine has turned into not only the beckon of my recovery but also my CSI, Altogether Beautiful. "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

As a talented singer, what do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

I have been singing since I was a little girl. For a while, I was terrified to sing for audiences other than my family. After I took that leap of faith, I caught the bug for performing.I performed in numerous shows and fell in love with sharing my talents on stage. Now that I have retired from my musical theater days, it brings me so much joy to be able to perform on the Miss Missouri stage. Singing and performing has always been a way for me to truly let loose.

You are currently a student at Missouri State University. Where do you see your studies taking you?

I am currently studying public relations with minors in leadership and marketing. I want to be in a position that allows me to create connections and impact the community. I would love to work for a university, or organization in a strategic communication/marketing capacity. Thankfully, I am only a sophomore, so I have some time to narrow down that plan. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

Well, I have already had the pleasure of playing Ariel, Belle, & Cinderella throughout my time in the theater world. I would be Elsa. She is a staple of a woman accepting herself and finding her power. Also being able to sing like Idina Menzel and never let the cold winters in Missouri bother me would be an added bonus.

If you had an extra ticket to see a baseball game between the Red Sox and the Cardinals, who would you take with you? Why?

My dad. He is the biggest Cardinal fan I know. He is the reason I am so in love with Cardinal baseball.

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I think I would die a happy woman if I could sing the national anthem at a St. Louis Cardinal game and then throw the first pitch. It is a bucket list item of mine, and I know my dad would be freaking out. 


Oh I hope she gets to do that! 

As always, I want to thank Katie for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss Missouri! It would be fantastic to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Katie during her journey as Miss Springfield Rt 66. You should be sure to check out her Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on. 

Thanks again Katie, and good luck!

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