
Friday, November 18, 2022

Karrina Ferris Visits Section 36!

Ferell Ann Photo
Section 36 had another visitor! 
Karrina Ferris is passionate about youth voting, a talented dancer, and the current Miss Silver State. I was so excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Karrina Ferris visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Silver State Crown?

Nevada is currently an open state, meaning that we do not have local competitions anymore, so I've actually never competed for a local crown as a Miss candidate. I did compete all four years as a Teen candidate though. Everytime after I won a Teen crown, I would always go out to dinner afterwards with my family, usually to BJ's. BJ's has the best pizookie desserts, so it was and still is my preferred way to celebrate after a big event!

What is something Heather Renner is doing as Miss Nevada that you would want to emulate?

One thing that I really admire about Heather is how open and real she is. She's not afraid to share her opinions and tell her story, which I think is very inspiring. With the shift that our program has gone through, I think it's now much more acceptable for titleholders to share their opinions and feelings on certain issues, which I love. We are no longer just pretty faces, we are intelligent and opinionated women, and I think Heather is a great example of that. I would like to emulate how open and honest she is, because I think it's inspiring for young girls to see women in a position like ours being unapologetically ourselves. 

What part of the upcoming Miss Nevada competition are you most nervous about?

Christina Martinez Photography
I wouldn't say that there is one phase of competition that I'm particularly nervous about, but I'm rather more nervous about the pressure that comes with being 1st Runner Up. I was 1st Runner Up twice in a row as a teen, and what made that second time more difficult was the fact that I felt as though I didn't live up to the standards that everyone had set for me. I felt like I had let so many people down, and that was a hard feeling for me to overcome. Because of that experience, I am a bit nervous about dealing with that pressure again this year. I am trying my best to not let myself slip into that mindset, and I'm reminding myself that everything happens for a reason, but the pressure can be nerve-racking for sure. I just keep reminding myself that timing is everything and that whatever happens was meant to happen. 

How did you select your social impact initiative, “Inform to Reform”?

My Social Impact Initiative, Inform To Reform is definitely what I am most proud of as a titleholder. It really does mean the world to me. I originally created this program and chose it to be my SII because it directly correlates with what I want to do in my future. I'm hoping to attend law school and eventually run for office someday, so I thought it would be fun to have a platform that connects with my long-term goals. But, it turned into much more than that. When I first started thinking about Inform To Reform, I was a senior in high school taking my first government class, and we were learning about voter statistics. I had learned that my generation was the age group that is the least likely to vote. Hearing this really saddened me because I know that my generation has so many great ideas for the future, but most of these ideas were going unheard because they weren't voting. So, Inform To Reform was originally focused on helping people register to vote and helping them get involved in politics through voting. This past year, my focus with Inform To Reform has shifted though. Now, I work with elementary school children and advocate for an increase in constitutional education in elementary schools. I have spoken to over 600 children about the Constitution and have created lesson plans for teachers to integrate into their classrooms. I believe that if students are taught about the Constitution and voting at a younger age, they will grow up to be informed and active voters. Teaching them this information as seniors in high school, when they are already at or near voting age is not enough to get them excited to vote. My goal with Inform To Reform is to create a nation where people are growing up being taught the importance of voting, so as soon as they turn 18, they become registered voters and are excited to vote in their first elections.

As a talented dancer, what do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

My favorite part about performing onstage is the energy that is created between you, as the performer, and the audience. Performing allows you to create connections with everyone in the audience because you truly are laying out so many emotions for them to see. The support from the audience while you are telling your story creates such a beautiful energy that is like nothing else. Being able to share your passion and your story, and to receive support from the audience while doing that is such a special experience that I will always adore. 

You’re a member of the Spirit Team at University of Nevada. What is that experience like?

I was a member of the Nevada Pom Team for two years, but I am not anymore. The experience of being a college cheerleader is something that I do hold so close to my heart. I had such a great time getting to perform halftime dances, getting to cheer for our amazing players at UNR, and forming close connections with the girls on the team. I did decide to take a different path though and return back to my roots as a ballet dancer. I am now a company dancer at Sierra Nevada Ballet, and I truly love it. I've been a ballet dancer since I was four, so finding my way back to ballet was a very special journey. 

If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

If I could be a Disney character for a week, I would want to be Moana. Since the movie came out, she has been my favorite Disney character, because of how determined and resilient she is. I also loved how her story didn't revolve around a love interest, but was rather focused on her as an individual. Plus, who wouldn't want to spend a week on a beautiful island, and swim in the ocean everyday?!

If you had an extra ticket to Reno Aces baseball game, who would you take with you? Why?

If I had an extra ticket to a Reno Aces game, I would bring my younger brother, Keagan. He's played baseball since he was four, and is now still playing as a senior in highschool. He loves baseball, and would be very excited to watch a Reno Aces game.

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

At the Reno Aces games, they have an event at the end of the night where children get to run the bases. I also have a three year old brother, named Colt, who I was able to take to run the bases last summer. It was so much fun getting to do this activity with him and to see how excited he was. I would love to experience this again. 


Oh yeah, running the bases is definitely something I would want to do! 

As always, I want to thank Karrina for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss Nevada! It would be fantastic to have another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Karrina during her journey as Miss Silver State. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on. 

Thanks again Karrina, and good luck!

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