
Friday, February 19, 2021

Lily Parker Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Lily Parker is passionate about stomping out the stigma around mental illness, a talented singer, and the current Miss Queen of the West. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. I was also thrilled that she is the first visitor representing the state of Oklahoma!

So, let's see what happens when Lily Parker Visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Queen of the West crown?

My best friend and fellow title holder, Ava Cruchon, and I got all the best food at Braums in Elk City!  

What part of the upcoming Miss Oklahoma competition are you most nervous about?

There isn’t one specific area I can pinpoint. I am completely new to the entire world of Miss America and pageantry, so I have a bit of nerves being a rookie. However, having an extra year due to the pandemic has given me time to learn so much, and I am honestly super excited to compete in Miss Oklahoma!

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your remaining time as Miss Queen of the West?

I would really like to host a virtual benefit concert to raise money for mental health awareness. I am a music theater major at Oklahoma City University, which means I am surrounded by the most talented people, and I would love to have them join me in this benefit concert.

How did you select your social impact initiative “Stomping Out Stigma”?

Mental health awareness has been a big part of my life after

my older brother, Matthew, died at the age of 21. He had struggled his whole life with social anxiety and depression. When I had to opportunity to create a social impact initiative for my local title, “Stomping Out Stigma” seemed like the perfect path for me to create conversations about mental health in his honor. His mental illnesses were not something I was aware of growing up until right before he passed away, but maybe if I did know sooner and had a better understanding of mental illnesses, things could have been different. There are so many people out there just like my brother. 1 in 5 adults will have a mental illness in any given year, but only half of these people receive the help they need. This lack of care is greatly due to the stigma that surrounds mental illness and treatment. I feel this stigma myself. After the loss of my brother, I greatly struggled with my mental health and still do. I started going to therapy and while it helped me in so many ways, I was embarrassed by it. I felt as though something was wrong with me, and that it was my fault for not being able to handle everything on my own. Thankfully, I know these thoughts are false, and I have made it my mission to make treating and discussing mental health as common as we treat physical health.

What is your favorite part about performing your talent on stage?

I love the feeling of fully immersing myself in song, to the point where all the stresses and worries of life fade away for a few minutes. I feel like I can transport myself into another world and be a different person, and when the audience can be transported with me, it feels like magic.

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

I would have to be my life long, all-time favorite princess, The Little Mermaid Ariel! As a little girl, all I dreamed of was to sing like Ariel. I was also seriously obsessed with mermaids, and who wouldn’t want to be a mermaid for a week??

How would you finish the sentence, “I get great satisfaction when ___”?

I get great satisfaction when I make a difference in someone’s life. I always grew up doing service work through my church and school, and there is nothing like the feeling of helping someone. That is part of why I love my job as Miss Queen of the West because I get to serve my communities and inspire others.

Growing up in Missouri, what did you enjoy about attending StL Cardinals games?

My favorite part has to be the ballpark foods! I love all the classics: hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, and Dippin’ Dots! It was also always fun to be able to see the St. Louis Arch above the baseball field!

Is there a feature or activity of a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

If I had the chance to do anything at a baseball game, it would have to be sing the National Anthem at the beginning of them game! But a close second to that would be to shoot the t-shirt canon!


Oh, I bet those cannons are lots of fun! 

As always, I want to thank Lily for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Lily continues her time as Miss Queen of the West, I encourage you to follow her Instagram account and check out her website. They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck when she competes for the Miss Oklahoma title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!
Thanks again Lily, and good luck!

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