
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Julia DeSerio Visits Section 36!

Photo by Jeanna Beasley
Section 36 has another visitor! Julia DeSerio is passionate about the arts, a talented singer, and the current Miss Gastonia. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Julia DeSerio Visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Gastonia crown?

The moments after winning my first local title were a blur- I think I might have blacked out quite honestly! I know there were lots of pictures with sisters, friends and family, many hugs and congratulations…and of course, a trip to Olive Garden to eat as much pasta, salad and breadsticks as possible.


What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Gastonia competition that will help you when you compete for Miss North Carolina?

This is an interesting question, and I think requires me to go a bit farther back than the Miss Gastonia Competition:

As a sophomore in high school my band director suggested I do my high school pageant, and I won the title of Miss Centurion. That moment was such a special feeling for me and my family as our home life was not "idealistic" in any conventional way. I took the encouragement of school teachers and the school Pageant Director to compete for my local Outstanding Teen title the following fall. I placed third runner-up out of 38 contestants and won the fitness competition. Though it was so much fun, I was a bit disheartened not to win so I really stepped back and continued my focus on music and school not really putting my heart in "pageants" again.  


Back in July out of the clear blue, I received a Facebook message from someone I had met during the high school pageant encouraging me to take a look at the Miss America Organization again. At first, I didn't take it very seriously, but after receiving another message in late August, my friend really pushed me to look into the organization and how it had changed since I tried it at 15; so, I did. Feeling like I had finally found my home, I knew who I was professionally and spiritually, I wanted to grow in my community, and I was secure in myself enough to know win or lose I would be fine because my life was truly happy, I decided to give it a try.  When the show was over before the awards were announced, I sent a text to a friend saying how good I felt about presenting my authentic-self and how glad I was I had done it. And, 10 minutes later, I was crowned Miss Gastonia.


Through this very special competition experience, I learned that the phrase “Just be yourself” is really the key to finding success, win or lose. 15-year-old Julia was trying to seek validation and worth in a title, and that is why she did not win. Her heart was not in the right place. Regardless of the outcome, I will carry that with me to the Miss North Carolina Competition this June and be at peace knowing I was true myself and offered the real Julia- not the one I hoped the judges were looking for.


What has been the most pleasant surprise about your time as Miss Gastonia?

When deciding to compete, one of the things I prayed for wasto find genuine friendships with the incredible women in our state organization. I would argue that our Miss North Carolina Organization titleholders know how to support, uplift, encourage, celebrate and love one another better than anyone. The sisterhood I have been able to step into and share in with my sisters, not only in North Carolina but across the country because of social media, has been the most pleasant surprise and a precious gift that I will cherish forever! 


How did you select your social impact, “Art: The Highest Form of Hope”?

Growing up was not the Cinderella story many would envision of a Miss America titleholder for me. Born into a situation afflicted with drug abuse and low socio-economic status, I was deemed an "at-risk" student in kindergarten as were my five siblings. My initial interested in music started when I began school, as I felt so at home in music class. In fourth grade, I decided I wanted to be a music teacher. I pursued that goal relentlessly until making it a reality through dedicated grade school studies, working a part-time job at a local restaurant to earn money, and eventually through attending and graduating cum laude from Gardner-Webb University with a Bachelor of Music Education Degree in December of 2018.

I am now a middle-grades music teacher in Shelby, NC. Coupling that role with my title in this organization, I wanted to focus on expanding arts education to "at-risk" students in my community, knowing how the arts shaped and essentially saved my life.

The goal of "Art: The Highest Form of Hope" is to expand arts education for "at-risk" students beyond the public-school classroom. My project began as a partnership with my local YMCA to facilitate a "Performing Arts Class" during their after-school program. While successful, COVID-19 cut the program short.

As quarantine began with no end in sight, I decided to move my outreach to virtual platforms, knowing that there was a need to express, create and connect during the raging pandemic- not only for students, but for people of all ages. I began a virtual talent show initiative, hosting shows in April, May, June and July of 2019 via Zoom and Facebook live. This further inspired me to continue serving virtually. In October of 2019, I facilitated my biggest outreach initiative to date: a Virtual Arts Retreat, composed of free workshops and classes for arts lovers of all ages, featuring Miss America Organization titleholders from across the county volunteering their time and talents to teach. It has been both humbling and inspiring to watch the efforts of my project take off and impact people across the country.

As a talented singer, what do you enjoy the most about performing on stage?

As a young girl, singing on stage was always an opportunity to escape my reality and become someone else, even just for a moment. Whether I am singing solo or with a choral group or on stage in an opera or musical: getting to use my gift, pouring myself into a performance, and potentially creating a moving experience for someone else has always been my favorite part. 

You currently teach middle school chorus. What do you enjoy most about that position?

Photo by
 Jeanna Beasley
Many people give me a crazy look when I talk about how much I love teaching middle school, but it is my favorite age group by far! I have always been a fun-loving and quirky spirit, and I believe middle schoolers need that kind of energy to make it through those tough years of transition and growth. People always underestimate middle schoolers, so I love challenging their minds and proving that middle schoolers are capable of so much more than we think! Their creativity, energy and passion refill my cup every day.

If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?
Ariel from the Little Mermaid has always been my favorite princess, but I guess as a singer that wouldn’t be the most enjoyable experience… I actually think I would be Rapunzel. My schedule is always so busy, and I admittedly have a really hard time relaxing and making time to be still. A week locked in a tower sounds like a dream vacation for me!
If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play the Braves, who would you take with you? Why?
I have a friend named Michael who is an avid Braves fan- I would honestly describe him as a walking baseball encyclopedia. He would be a great choice to take! I can imagine we would have a great time and I would learn a lot more about America’s favorite pastime.

Is there a feature or activity at a Major League Baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?
Gastonia is actually finalizing the construction of a minor league baseball stadium, set to open in the Spring of 2021. I am fortunate enough to be providing special music for the opening ceremony, and I would love to one day be able to sing the National Anthem or throw the first pitch at a major league game (maybe as Miss North Carolina or Miss America one day)!


That would be fantastic! 

As always, I want to thank Julia for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Julia continues her time as Miss Gastonia, I encourage you to follow her Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck when she competes for the Miss North Carolina title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!
Thanks again Julia, and good luck!

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