
Friday, October 30, 2020

Alysa Bainbridge Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Alysa Bainbridge is passionate about empowering people with mental illness, a Phillies fan, and the current Miss Berks County. I was so glad that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more!

So, let's see what happens when Alysa Bainbridge visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Berks County title?
I went out to dinner with my family, my teen’s family, and my directors - and in true Alysa fashion, I ordered a big pasta dish at 10 PM! There was a lot for us to celebrate. My teen and I had been sister queens the year before and it was so special to be together again! I also held the teen title in the Miss Berks County Organization my first year in Outstanding Teen and was so happy to be back home as “their girl” again.


Due to the state of the world at the moment, you also still hold the Miss Philadelphia title. How do you plan to juggle both titles?

It’s been sort of a whirlwind, but I feel so blessed to represent

both of my homes at the same time! Berks County is my hometown and Philly has been my college home for the last four years, and both communities have a piece of my heart. Juggling both hasn’t been too hard so far, since I haven’t had many appearances during pandemic. The hardest part has been coming up with different content for two social media pages! When I get back to doing appearances (hopefully soon!), I plan to do appearances for both titles and continue to partner with organizations in both regions. 


What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Berks County competition that will help you when you compete again for Miss Pennsylvania?

Photo by
Eire Ann Photography
At Miss Berks County, I won the overall talent award. This was a surprise to me because I haven’t danced competitively like I did in high school for years. Talent is the area of competition I would say I get most nervous for, and I actually picked apart my performance quite a bit that night! I learned that I am capable of more than I think and not to be so hard on myself. I’m going to take this attitude with me into all areas of competition at Miss Pennsylvania. 


How did you select your “More Than Bipolar” social impact initiative?

I grew up with two siblings who struggled with bipolar disorder

and other mental illnesses. I saw the toll stigma took on them and on the rest of my family, and it broke my heart that outsiders saw my siblings only for the symptoms of their mental illness. I decided I wanted to start a specific campaign that not only raised awareness and started a conversation about mental health, but that empowered individuals living with mental illness and celebrated the wonderful things that make them so much more than a diagnosis. 

The namesake of my platform is based on my siblings’ struggles, but the idea is that any mental illness can be added to the end: #MoreThanAddiction, #MoreThanDepression, etc. 


As a talented dancer, what is your favorite part about performing your talent on stage?

I love sharing my heart onstage and the feeling I get when I’m performing. My current talent routine is especially meaningful to me. I do a lyrical dance in honor of my brother, Tyler, who we lost to an opioid overdose in 2018. The message of my song, “Somebody’s Someone”, is the very message of my platform. It’s  specifically about having a brother who struggles with substance use disorder. The message is that, regardless of that circumstance, he and anyone struggling will always matter to someone and should keep fighting. Having another chance to share the message of my social impact and getting to have this moment with my brother onstage is the most special part about my talent. 


If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

I would want to be any Disney princess, but if I had to choose

Photo by
Matt Boyd Photography
one, it’s Cinderella! She has always been my favorite princess. Who wouldn’t want to be a princess and wear a ballgown every day?

When I was little, my dream was to be a Princess at Disney World, but I soon realized I would never be tall enough to meet the height requirement! Instead, I get to live out that dream a little once a year as The Little Mermaid during Princesses and Pirates Night at the Reading Fightin’ Phils!


What is your personal fitness routine?

I love doing barre! It’s the perfect workout routine for a dancer. I try to take an online barre class at least 2-3 times a week. Of course, I also stretch every day and practice my talent routine to keep up my technique and stamina. 


If you had an extra ticket to a Philadelphia Phillies game, who would you take with you? Why?

I would take my dad! He has been a lifelong baseball player, coach, and fan, and he taught me everything I know about the sport. Hopefully the Phillies wouldn’t be playing the Cincinnati Reds (his favorite team) that day, though, or I might have to pretend I don’t know him!


Is there a feature or activity at Citizens Bank Park that you’d especially like to experience?

I want to dance on top of the dugout with the Phillie Phanatic! 


I would definitely love to see that!

As always, I want to thank Alysa for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Alysa continues her time as Miss Berks County, I encourage you to check out her official Instagram account and her website. They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck whenever she competes for the Miss Pennsylvania title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!

Thanks again Alysa, and good luck!

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