
Friday, July 10, 2020

Jenna Holt Revisits Section 36!

Section 36 has another revisitor! Jenna Holt is passionate about women in business, a talented trumpet player, and the current Miss Sierra Nevada. I was thrilled that she wanted to visit with us again to catch up on those topics, and a few more!

So, let's see what happens when Jenna Holt revisits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Sierra
Nevada crown?
Since this is my last year of eligibility, I knew if I were to win a title at Miss Sierra Nevada/Miss Yosemite Valley, I was going to be ecstatic!! Those who’ve seen my crowning video, know ecstatic was an understatement because...after I was crowned, my best friend was crowned as my sister titleholder and I FREAKED out! It truly couldn’t have been a better way to be crowned for the last time. We went out to eat after the show, shared a Pazookie (pizza cookie ice cream), and drive 2.5 hours home and stayed up for 2 more hours because we were so excited!

Since this is your last year of eligibility, are you treating your time as Miss Sierra Nevada differently than past years (aside from the obvious COVID related differences)?
I don’t think I’ve ever been more motivated in my life, even despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Since this is my last title, I have been more invested in the organization, with my local program, and with my platform: Women in Business-Crown to CEO.

I flew to Connecticut to watch Miss America in December to get the full experience even if it’s just from the audience. I truly love spending time with my directors and sister titleholders; The city of Merced has welcomed us with open arms and luckily we’ve had a chance to spend time doing appearances before the shelter in place! 

We can still make an impact despite the pandemic! I’v chosen to volunteer on multiple occasions including doing my part in helping make 10,000 face shields for local hospitals in the greater Sacramento area! 

I’ve taken my platform to the national level by partnering with Dress For Success and becoming a member of the American Business Women’s Association, as well as maintained my support with GM Women, a group within my company, and with Women of Sacramento, a networking group for local business women in the area. 

I’ve taken my platform across the country to my hometown: Davison, Michigan, by becoming a scholarship sponsor for the local scholarship pageant: Miss Davison. I was Miss Davison 2012, and I knew I wanted to give back by promoting the endless opportunities women have in business! It’s never too early for a young woman to start thinking about her future career! 

Truly I cannot speak enough about how much the sisterhood of MAO has an impact on me. I’ve met my best friends through the organization. I want to do everything I can with my girls and have no regrets during my last year being a part of this sisterhood! 

What aspect of the upcoming Miss California competition are you most nervous about?
I think I’m most nervous about the unknown: where/when It will happen and how that will effect Miss America. All in all, I cannot wait to perform on that stage for the last time and truly express how much I love this program and why it’s relevant to the success of young women around the country. 

Interview is my favorite portion of competition, but I am SO happy to have evening gown back!! I think I’ll be a little nervous for the Social Impact Pitch, but I know with practice and determination, my public speaking skills will take over and carry me through! 

Do you have different goals for you social impact initiative, “Women in Business” this year?
I really wanted to take my platform to the national level and have more quantitive data to prove my impact. That’s why I partnered with Dress for Success and The ABWA. There’s a lot that people don’t know about these organizations and what they can provide! My goal is to increase volunteers for Dress for Success, whether in California or in one of their 147 offices across 25 countries! Our Miss California 2018, Mackenzie Freed was a big part of my inspiration to partner with Dress for Success. She still volunteers with them now! 

The American Business Women Association offers so many resources for women in any industry and networking opportunities. My mission is to do the same with women across California, introduce resources, and encourage young women through public speaking events to pursue their dreams in either starting their own business or being at the helm of one that’s already begun! 

You changed your talent this year to the trumpet. What led to that decision?
Playing the trumpet gives me such a rush and I truly enjoy playing it! I’ve been playing for 15 years, walking in the footsteps of my older sister who played trumpet all through college at Purdue! My family has been blessed with musical talent! We all know how to play instruments-we could start our own band! I still remember playing in trios with my dad and sister at church with my mom on the piano! 

My very first talent performance with MAO was playing my trumpet. I decided to switch to singing, which has landed me 4 titles since my start in the organization. But I wanted to end my last year with a bang by going back to my roots and bringing my fire to the stage! All I have to say is..I am ready! 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?
Even though I think we all feel like Rapunzel being trapped in our towers right now, I’d love to be Moana for a week! Not just because she lives on a beautiful island, but because Moana has such courage to reach her goals and dreams, which is the same mentality I strive for every day. She knew of her potential to do great things and never forgot who she was along her journey. Not to mention I love sailing so that’s just an added bonus! 

How would you complete the sentence “I get great satisfaction when I ___”?
“Achieve something I’ve worked hard for”

Nothing is more satisfying to me right now than reaching the end of my Executive MBA program! Only one class left!! 

If you had an extra ticket to the next Red Sox - Dodgers game, who would you bring with you? Why?
Well since I took my mom to the World Series at Dodger stadium in 2018, I think it’s only fair I take my Dad! His grandfather is where the Red Sox passion began for our family. I’m really missing the team right now!!

What is your favorite memory from attending a baseball game?
Fourth of July game in 2015, against the Astros! My entire family went and we ended up crushing them. It was a great way to spend Independence Day, a Fenway Frank in hand with the people I love watching our favorite team win. 


That sounds like a wonderful time!

As always, I want to thank Jenna for visiting with us, and for sending along the amazing pictures to go with the interview. It was great to hear what she's been up to since her last visit.

As Jenna continues her time as Miss Sierra Nevada, I encourage you to check out her official Facebook page. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on anything she’ll have going on. 

I also want to wish her the best of luck whenever she competes for the Miss California title. It would be wonderful to have a Section 36 visitor wear that crown!

Thanks again Jenna, and good luck!

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