
Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 Year In Review: Social Media

As we all seem to know, these days a blog just can’t be a blog. Well, it can...but it’s not as easy or as much fun. After all, how can I be sure you’ll read my posts if I don’t spam you with reminders about them all the time? If the blog’s name isn’t something you see every thirty seconds, will you forget about me?

I can't take that chance.

Which is why Section 36 needs to have a social media presence. OK. It’s why I want Section 36 to have a social media presence. Even on the sites where I have no idea what’s going on. So, I hope you know about all the other ways you can follow along with Section 36! And, how have those social media sites gotten even better in 2019?

I’m glad you asked.

Instagram is probably the place I’ve seen the most movement in the
past year. It’s been so much fun connecting with fans and visitors through that site. For Section 36, in the past I have posted exclusively pictures I have taken. It’s a way to enjoy different views from a Red Sox fan. I've continued adding pictures people have submitted of themselves holding a “I’d Rather be in Section 36” sign, or pictures of themselves with Section 36 gear. (So, if you were wondering how you could appear on the Section 36 account, that’s how.) It’s been a great way to add variety to the feed, and publicize some great pictures people have submitted. And the best part? The account has crossed the 1000 follower threshold, and I couldn't be more thrilled! Here's hoping that number keeps growing. If you’re one of the followers, thanks! If you’re not, what’s keeping you?

Twitter is still the old standby. I find that it’s a great way to spread the word about new posts to the blogs. The Section 36 account tweets out links to posts here on Section 36. It also converses with fans, especially during Red Sox games. At over 1200 followers, it’s a fun group to be involved with.

Facebook provides fun opportunities. I find it’s a nice combination
between twitter and instagram. It can post links and pictures with ease, and has the ability to allow sharing with friends. The Section 36 page will post links to every post here on Section 36. Facebook is also great for pictures, so it posts pictures that I’ve taken. It’s also a prime spot to post pictures submitted by others. So almost every picture someone submits of themselves with Section 36 behind them, or in Section 36, or holding a “I’d rather be in Section 36” sign, or with Section 36 gear gets posted there. In 2019, Section 36 passed 500 likes which is great!

Beyond that? Section 36 also has a presence on Snapchat and Pinterest, although I honestly have no idea why. Hopefully in 2020 I’ll figure something out. Feel free to follow/add to see the progress! In fact, follow all of Section 36 on all social media accounts.

It’ll be a lot of fun.

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