
Friday, November 1, 2019

Shelby Lentz Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Shelby Lentz is a champion for Huntington's Disease, a talented singer, and the current
Miss Sunrise Side. I was really glad that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Shelby Lentz visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Sunrise Side crown?
After the pageant, I was exhausted! We had rehearsals the day before and the day of, as well as interviews. But I have had a tradition of sleeping in bed with my crown and sash after being crowned (not just taking the traditional sleeping selfie, I actually sleep with them! lol) 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Sunrise Side competition that will help you at Miss Michigan?
Breathe. Smile. And enjoy every moment. The best part of the competition, regardless of the outcome, is being around incredible women who become family and growing as an individual every time you walk on that stage. That is something I will not only take with me to state, but carry with me throughout the rest of my life. 

What are you most looking forward to about your time as Miss Sunrise Side?
Growing up, I looked up to Miss Michigan and Miss America. I am excited to now have the roles turned and to be that woman in a crown that another little girl or boy can look up to. Especially as a woman, I think it is important to use your title and voice to be a spokesperson for topics that are close to our hearts. 

What is your social impact initiative, and why did you select it?
My social impact initiative is Champions for HD: The Fight Against Huntington's Disease. Champions for HD is my nonprofit for Huntington's Disease, which is a degenerative, neurological genetic disease that is similar to having ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's simultaneously. My grandfather and father are ill with the disease, and my 13-year old sister has the juvenile version of it. She currently is limited in her ability to walk, talk, and eat. She is in a wheelchair, no longer attends school, and has a feeding tube. Being at-risk, I got test in 2017 at 20 years old and found out I have the gene for the disease as well, meaning without a cure I will develop symptoms at some point in my life. I wrote a song while in Nashville called "Champion" inspired by Rocky Balboa, which in turn inspired the name for my nonprofit. Champions for HD has raised nearly $10,000 in our first year-and-a-half and donated to over 20 families in need. We have also donated to local research. 

As a talented singer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?
I love the power and energy behind music. When I write a song, I have the ability to connect with people on a much deeper and emotional level. I love that energy that I feel when I am on stage. But most of all, I love when people tell me my music means something to them and gave them hope in a time where they couldn't find any. That is what music is about. Connection. 

If you could be a Marvel character for a week, which would you choose? Why?
I love this!! I actually have a small Marvel/Avengers tattoo on my left arm. I would say Black Widow. I think she is highly underrated for the purpose she has served. While she may not have superpowers like many of her Avenger peers, she has a confidence and heart that is unmatched. She also is able to hold her own emotionally and physically and she is one hell of a fighter. Although she had such a cold up bringing, she uses her past to bring good to the world. And her ultimate sacrifice is just another reason why I love her and her sacrifice for those she loves. 

What is your favorite part about attending a Tigers game?
We have a Miss Michigan Tigers game where all of the local titleholders come and are on the big screen and the current Miss Michigan will throw the first pitch. It is a fun annual event!

If you had an extra ticket to a Red Sox - Tigers game, who would you bring? Why?
I would bring my mom because she has been a huge support in my pageant career and I would love to treat her to a girls day!


That sounds like a great day!

As always, I want to thank Shelby for doing this interview, and for sending along the pictures to ass some flair to the post.

As Shelby continues her time as Miss Sunrise Side, I encourage you to follow her on her official Miss Sunrise Side Facebook page. 

Also, remember her amazing singing? You'll definitely want to follow her singing career by checking out her music website and facebook page.

You should also check out her social impact website Champions for HD. It's an important cause that deserves your support.

I also want to wish Shelby luck when she competes for the Miss Michigan crown. This will be the first chance for a visitor to go on and take that title. That would be incredible!

Thanks again Shelby, and good luck!

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