
Friday, November 8, 2019

Emily Vadeboncoeur Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Emily Vadeboncoeur is an advocate for intellectual and developmental disabilities, a talented dancer,
and the current Miss Strafford County. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Emily Vadeboncoeur visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Strafford County crown?
Honestly, I cried. A lot. I’ve been working towards this title for over 4 years and when it finally came to be my time, I was flooded with so much love and support it was simply overwhelming. Not to mention, i got to do with standing next to my best friends. It really proved that competing in the Miss America Organization truly is a sisterhood and #TheSisterhoodisReal. But now that I’ve finely had the chance for it all to sink in, I’m ready to hit the ground running and continue working my Social Impact Initiative and prepping for Miss New Hampshire! 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Strafford County competition that will help you at Miss New Hampshire?
One word. Persistence. Not only that, but I learned that you don’t necessarily need to have a crown on your head to make a difference in the lives of those around you. That can be done simply by being the best version of yourself, which competing for Miss Strafford County definitely taught me to be! 

What are you most looking forward to about your time as Miss Strafford County?
There’s so much to look forward to it’s hard to just choose one. But if I have to choose, I’d definitely say the people. I’ve always loved people, being with them, interacting, meeting new people. And now I’m so excited to have been given this amazing opportunity to not only go out into my community and continue meeting, but to truly make a difference. 

How did you select your social impact initiative: Advocating for intellectual and Development Disabilities?
It kind of chose me without me even realizing it. I had done a
numerous amount of service projects and opportunities within the disabled community while in school, so when it came time to sit down and choose a Social Impact Initiative, it was a no brainer.

As a talented dancer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?
I love dance and performing because it not only allows me an extra chance to share a story with an audience, but I also love the power of dance. Dance can be so connective and truly therapeutic. Mostly I just love the ability dance has to bring people together. Whether it be through my being able telling a story during a performance or just letting go and having fun with those around me. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, which would you choose? Why?
Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame! I always loved how she stood up for those who couldn’t and always put others before herself. She’s definitely a reason why I developed a passion for service! 

Who is your favorite Red Sox player? Why?
Although he’s retired, Big Papi will always be my favorite! I’ve been watching him since before I could even remember and was always an Inspiration to me during my time playing softball!  

Is there a feature or activity at Fenway Park you would especially like to experience?
Sitting in Section 36! 

If you had an extra ticket to a Red Sox game, who would you bring? Why?
I’d need more than one ticket, I just wanna bring everyone! 


I have the same problem!

As always, I want to thank Emily for doing this interview, and for
sending along so many great pictures. They really make the post a lot more fun to read.

As Emily continues her time as Miss Strafford County, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. You should also follow her on her official Instagram account. They’re both great ways to see what she’s up to during her time with the crown.

I also want to wish Emily luck when she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown. We've been on quite a run of former visitors winning that crown, and it would be amazing to have another former visitor take home that title!

Thanks again Emily, and good luck!

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