
Friday, January 4, 2019

Alexis Ferreira Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Alexis Ferreira is a dancer, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Bristol County. I’m so glad she
was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. I'm sure you'll love reading what she had to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Alexis Ferreira visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Bristol County crown?
I celebrated with family, friends, and also my 2 teen queens who had just titled as well. I ate mini cheese burgers and fries from TGI Friday’s…….I was starving by the end!

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Bristol County?
Holding the title as Miss Bristol County gives a lot of locations for service. I have a goal to try to serve in every city under Bristol County before my year is up!

What did you learn about yourself during the Miss Bristol County competition that will help you at Miss Massachusetts?
I went into this competition with no expectations, I enjoyed getting ready with my friends, eating pizza and snacks and didn’t over think. I think I learned that when the time is right it will happen, and if things do not go the way you thought or had hoped, the world will NOT end. I still have a lot of learning to do throughout my year!

As a talented dancer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage on stage?
I love the rush of happiness and energy it brings to not only myself,
but to whoever is watching. Once you step on that stage all eyes are on you and I have learned over the years (especially if you are the only dancer there) that even if you know you messed up the audience doesn’t.

How did you select your platform, "Unplug and be Present"?
From observing customers at my job to my younger cousin and students that I teach. I noticed that a lot of people are glued to their phone, tablet, etc. In high school I was obsessing over social medias as newer ones were being created, and I do still use them, but I have had more realizations that technology is not the end all be all. I realize that our world is becoming more technologically advanced as the years go by, but I feel that children/teenagers are focusing more on how many likes they get or would prefer to watch a video of a girl playing with toys rather than playing with friends or making memories face to face.

Who is your favorite current Red Sox player? Why?
I would have to say Mookie Betts because we share the same birthday, and he has been a great asset to the team since he has been with the Red Sox!

Is there a feature or aspect of a Red Sox game at Fenway that you’d like to experience?
I would love to experience throwing the first pitch. For them, the field is there stage and I would love to experience it from their point of view!

The Red Sox were honored at Gillette before a Patriots game recently to celebrate winning the World Series. What are the chances the Patriots will be able to return the favor by celebrating a Super Bowl win at Fenway next season?
I think that would be fantastic!! It just shows that even though they are two individual sports with different rules and way of play, we can still come together and celebrate as they both represent the same area! The odds are in their favor for a Super Bowl win so maybe the Sox can pass on the good luck!


That would be great to see!

As always, I want to give huge thanks to Alexis for doing this interview, and for providing the amazing pictures to accompany it. They're really perfect! I also want to wish her the best of luck as she competes for the Miss Massachusetts crown this summer. It would be amazing to have a former visitor once again take home that crown.

As Alexis continues her time as Miss Bristol County, I encourage you to follow her on her official Miss Bristol County Facebook. It’ll be worth your time! 

Thanks again Alexis, and good luck!

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