
Friday, November 9, 2018

Nicole Pallozzi Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Nicole Pallozzi is a frequent traveler, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Rhode Island USA.

I’m excited that she was willing to take the time to visit with us, and become the first Section 36 visitor wearing a Miss USA organization crown. I’m sure you’ll love reading everything she had to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Nicole Pallozzi visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Rhode Island USA crown?
I celebrated my big win by having a pizza party with all of my close friends and family that attended the pageant! I am very thankful to have such an encouraging and patient support system that have been there for me in the audience for the past five years.

Is there a specific goal you'd like to accomplish during your time as Miss Rhode Island USA?
Throughout my reign as Miss Rhode Island USA 2019, I hope to continue volunteering with Best Buddies and the Special Olympics. I started volunteering with Best Buddies in High School where I would visit Meeting Street School in Providence, RI with fellow classmates. Here we would do arts and crafts and play games with children of all ages and abilities. I also volunteer for the annual Best Buddies Telethon. My Uncle Mickey inspired me to get involved with this organization because he was born with cerebral palsy and even though he cannot walk or talk, he has never let his disability define him as an individual. He inspires me everyday to live life to the fullest and to never take anything for granted. He recently motivated me to get involved with the Special Olympics where I was able to watch him cross the finish line in his electric wheel chair race and win first place!

What part of the upcoming Miss USA competition are you most nervous about?
I am honestly so excited for this opportunity to compete at
Miss USA that I am not currently nervous at all! During this past Miss Rhode Island USA pageant, I was the most relaxed and confident that I have ever been on stage. I truly took in every moment of the competition and gave it my all. I do not want my nerves to get the best of me so I am planning on going into the national competition as relaxed as possible. I have dedicated five years of my life for my Miss USA moment, so I am going to go out there and have the time of my life!

What is your personal fitness routine?
I have been working with my two amazing trainers, Scott and Courtney, for almost two years now. In preparation for Miss Rhode Island USA, I trained with them 2-3 times a week and followed a balanced nutrition plan. Throughout my journey with them, I have in total lost thirty pounds and my body fat has gone from 24% to 12%! I have learned that loving yourself if the greatest revolution. I have learned to truly trust the process and to admire the beauty of others without questioning my own. They have taught me what my body is fully capable of and have molded me into the best version of myself. I’m very excited to see how we’re going to transform my body for Miss USA!

On a trip to Las Vegas, you were able to jump off the side of a building! What was that experience like?
This past May, I went to Las Vegas with my family after graduating from The University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration. While in Vegas, we walked all the way to the Stratosphere, which is the tallest building on the Las Vegas Strip at 856 feet. When I learned that I could actually jump off of the building, I made the spontaneous decision to give it a go while my family watched from the bottom. I would consider myself an adrenaline junkie and have always loved testing my limits. Jumping off of the Stratosphere was both thrilling and breathtaking! I would 100% do it again. 

You've been able to do quite a bit of traveling. What has been your favorite place to visit? Why?
During my junior year at URI, I studied abroad for a semester
in Florence, Italy where I traveled to 6 countries and 21 European cities! Throughout my time abroad, I fully immersed myself into the Italian culture by studying the language, taking cooking classes, visiting local museum’s, and I even rode a Vespa throughout Tuscany! I also had the opportunity to go paragliding in Switzerland, white water rafting in Croatia, and climb Mt. Vesuvius. Throughout the midst of all of the captivating sites, alluring cities, hidden gems, and incredible food, I learned how much this small, beautiful world has to offer and am excited to see where my future travels take me! Overall, Florence was my favorite place and I am thankful to consider it my home away from home.

What is your favorite part about watching the Red Sox at Fenway park?
My favorite part about watching the Red Sox at Fenway park is the excitement and energy at the ballpark! In June, I attended the Sox vs. Mariners game with my older brother and had so much fun from singing Sweet Caroline, enjoying a Fenway Frank, and of course seeing a Sox win.

Is there a feature or aspect of a game at Fenway that you'd like to experience?
I would love to throw the first pitch at Fenway Park! I have been athletic my entire life and would frequently play baseball in my backyard with my cousins. Throwing the first pitch at Fenway would come first circle the little girl who was just having fun.

Who is your favorite current Red Sox player? Why?
Mookie Betts is my favorite Red Sox player because he is a team player and has been consistent in his performance throughout the entire season!


I hope she finds a way to throw out that first pitch!

As always, I want to give huge thanks to Nicole for doing this interview. I also want to thank her for providing so many great pictures to accompany the interview, especially the ones wearing that great t-shirt. They make it a lot more fun for everyone, don't you think?

As Nicole continues her time as Miss Rhode Island USA, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. It’ll be worth your time!

I also want to wish Nicole the best of luck when she competes for the Miss USA! It would be amazing to have a Section 36 visitor take home that title! 

Thanks again Nicole, and good luck!

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