
Friday, August 17, 2018

Brooke Mills Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Brooke Mills is a concussion awareness advocate, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss
Winnipesaukee. I’m so excited she was generous enough to take some time out of her schedule to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading everything she had to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Brooke Mills visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Winnipesaukee crown?
I can answer that simply, a celebratory gluten free chocolate cupcake, partnered with saying “wow” a thousand times over adjusting to the fact that I am now Miss Winnipesaukee and have just been given $10,000 in scholarship. I am so thrilled to have been given this job and the excitement still hasn’t worn off! 

As a former Miss Weirs Beach, how does it feel to be back representing that region? 
Simply wonderful! It is a great place to be and an honor to represent! I was actually the last Miss Weirs Beach, and to my surprise, many people remembered me with that title two years ago! This past month it has been great to reintroduce myself to the area with my service projects and scheduled appearances!  

You finished in the top five of the last two Miss NH competitions. What did you learn from those experiences that can help you this time?
I have continued to learn many things throughout my time in this organization but I find the most important part is to leave your most authentic self out on that stage, and to give it your all. I am so proud to have placed both years in competing which has helped me greatly pay for my college education thus far! 

What is your favorite part about singing on stage?
My favorite part is sharing the love I have for that particular song with the audience. For every song I sing, I find numerous reasons why I love the particular tune, and try to share that with the audience so that they fall in love with the song as well! 

What is your personal fitness routine?
I love lifting! I am so honored to be working with an amazing sponsor and trainer at Raw Fitness in Laconia NH.  These great workouts incorporate and target joint movements, cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and form. If you’re looking for a well-rounded workout routine, classes or a respected personal trainer, I highly recommend Raw Fitness, follow the link below! 

What led you to start “Lessen the Impact”, which now serves as your platform?
After suffering my personal concussion I was opened to the world of concussion and how greatly important concussion awareness was. Since the founding of Lessen the Impact Organization, I have also founded National Concussion Awareness Day to promote this message around the country. Join this year’s movement and share your brain injury story on social media with the hashtag #nationalconcussionawarenessday and find our page on

Most people associate concussions with sports like football. But, the Red Sox have had several players and a sideline reporter miss time with concussions the last couple years. So, what types of athletes need to be aware of concussions?
I find it important for everyone to be aware of concussions, even non-athletes. I did not participate in any sport before my concussion and therefore lacked a lot of information about them. I was playing team hand ball in my required freshman gym class when I was kicked in the head, resulting in a brain injury that left me unconscious on the gym floor. 
By having a knowledgeable society on concussions including the signs and symptoms, healing processes, importance of rest, returning to play and learn guidelines, and taking the concussion seriously, we would be able to greatly help those suffering and prevent future injuries. For more information visit the

Brock Holt comes to mind as a player who struggled with his concussion for a long time. Is there something we as fans, or as people who may know others who have had concussions, need to keep in mind during the recovery process?
It is unfortunate that many sports have reoccurring concussions that happen during any game to the players, even baseball. I find the most important part is to be optimistic. Time is the best healer as well as any cognitive rehabilitation therapies and rest, but it is important to be optimistic that the body and brain will recover. This past March I had my 4 year anniversary from my brain injury and continue to see improvements in my cognitive abilities. When recovering, simply be patient.    

How will the Red Sox finish the 2018 season?
They are killing it so far, and I’m looking forward to watching them finish the season strong! I will be attending a game this August! 


I hope she has a great time at the game! With this team, it should be a blast.

As always, I want to give huge thanks to Brooke for doing this interview, especially with the hectic schedule she keeps. She actually answered questions while on the road, which was incredibly nice of her. I also want to thank her for providing so many wonderful pictures to accompany the interview. They definitely make it a lot more fun to read.

As Brooke continues her time as Miss Winnipesaukee, I encourage you to follow her on her official Miss Winnipesaukee Facebook page. I also recommend you check out all the websites and Facebook pages she mentioned in the interview. You should also be sure to check the link for her platform: Lessen the Impact. They’re all great resources.

I also want to wish Brooke luck this spring as she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown! It would be incredible to have another Section 36 visitor take home that title! 

Thanks again Brooke, and good luck!

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