
Friday, March 30, 2018

Alainna Belanger Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Alainna Belanger is a Registered Nurse, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Exeter. I'm so glad that
she agreed to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. I'm sure you'll love what she has to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Alainna Belanger visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate being crowned Miss Exeter?
After I was crowned Miss Exeter I wasn’t able to celebrate like I usually do. I put on my scrubs and headed off to work for a night shift at the hospital. My coworkers were so excited when I brought in my crown and sash!

What portion of the upcoming Miss New Hampshire competition are you most nervous about?
Since this is my fourth year at Miss New Hampshire I would say I’m not nervous about much, but more excited to be back again doing what I love.

What is your favorite part about singing on stage?
I love being able to tell a story, and share my emotional connection to the piece of music I am singing. When I sing, I feel like the world stops for a moment, and I feel so at peace knowing I get to share my love and passion for music.

At a recent appearance, you were able to dress up as your favorite Disney Princess, Ariel. What makes her your favorite?
Princess Ariel has been my absolute favorite princess since I first saw the movie The Little Mermaid when I was about 3 years old. I can remember standing in front of the TV at my grandmother’s house singing along during the movie. I’ve always admired her beautiful voice, and I think that’s how I started singing too!

How did you select your platform: “The PULSE: Creating a Healthy Community”? 
When I was nine years old, my grandparents removed my sister and
I from a situation that involved my parents and drug addiction. Throughout my life I’ve faced losing my dad to a drug over dose, and my mom being in and out of rehab as well as prison. Facing so much adversity at such a young age has taught me the importance of having a strong community and has instilled a drive within me to impact others’ lives. Thus, the creation of The PULSE; Creating a Healthy Community. The PULSE stands for Preventing risky behaviors, Understanding community issues, Living healthy, Saving the vulnerable, and Educating the public. With my platform I act as a motivational speaker and tell my story to kids across the state, and also am a Disaster responder with the American Red Cross.

You currently work as a Registered Nurse. Where do you see that career taking you?
Nursing has truly become my passion, I don’t see it as work anymore. I love what I do! After working in a few different hospitals, I have found that within nursing I really enjoy helping those who suffer from addiction. I currently am in school to become a Nurse Practitioner, and hope to one day have my own practice dedicated to those suffering from substance abuse disorder.

Who was your favorite Red Sox player growing up? Why?
My all-time favorite Red Sox player growing up was none other than David Ortiz. I remember him always hitting grand slams and wishing I could have been at the game to see it! Looking back at his time on the Red Sox, I admire his leadership skills and strength he brought to the Boston community.

If you can’t sit in Section 36, where do you like to sit to watch the Red Sox?
When I can’t sit in Section 36, I like to sit on my couch watching the Red Sox with my puppy Brady (yes he’s named after Tom, sorry Ortiz)! I love spending time with my family, cooking together, and sharing our love of sports and snacking!

What are you most looking forward to about the 2018 Red Sox season?
I cannot wait to see what J.D. Martinez brings to the field, and as much as I LOVE the Sox, anything is better than last season homerun wise!


I know I can't wait to see what he can do either!

As always, I want to thank Alainna for visiting. She makes the second Miss Exeter in a row to visit with us, and it's alway fun to see a title progress. I also want to thank her for sending along the pictures that accompany the interview. They always make for a better post!

As Alainna continues her time as Miss Exeter, I encourage you to follow her on the official Facebook page. 

And, of course, I want to wish Alainna luck this spring when she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown. It's humbling to realize how many women onstage with her this year will have visited Section 36. How awesome would it be for one of them to come out on top?

Thanks again Alainna, and good luck!

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