
Friday, December 15, 2017

Josie Pearce Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Josie Pearce is a pianist, the current Miss Berlin-Gorham, and (despite being a native Californian) a
Red Sox fan. After wrapping up her semester at Dartmouth, I wondered if she'd be willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. Luckily she agreed. I hope you’ll be glad she did.

So, let’s see what happens when Josie Pearce visits Section 36!

What made you decide to compete for the Miss Berlin-Gorham title?
I competed as a teen, and I wanted to compete as a Miss when I went to college. Now that I’ve been at Dartmouth for over a year, I thought it was time to get involved in the pageant community in New Hampshire. Not to mention, I was excited about the potential for scholarships! 

How did you celebrate winning your crown?
I got chicken nuggets! Chicken nuggets are my favorite food, and I was not eating them for a while leading up to pageant. It was a nice treat! 

Your talent is classical piano. How do you decide which piece you’ll perform at Miss NH?
Deciding a piece for Miss New Hampshire is a big task because you have to see what is possible to learn within a few months and find something that the audience will think is entertaining. The piece also has to show off your skill level, but still be the right amount of “pageant flashy.”

How did you select your platform, “Lupis Foundation of America”?
I was diagnosed with Lupus when I was 15. Since my very first pageant, the Lupus Foundation of America has been my platform because they support researchers who are finding a cure for Lupus. The foundation also provides support groups for patients and puts on events where you can meet other people suffering from Lupus. 

What part of the upcoming Miss NH competition are you most nervous about?
I am most nervous about making sure everything is prepared on time. I only have 5 months or so left to prepare talent, swimsuit, interview, etc. 

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Berlin-Gorham?
My overall goal as Miss Berlin-Gorham is to bring awareness to invisible illnesses. I think it is so important for young girls to have positive role models who embody strength, despite living with a chronic illness. I know when I was first diagnosed, Venus Williams was an influential person to me. She has Sjogren’s, which is another autoimmune disease. Knowing that she was still able to pursue a professional tennis career gave me hope that I could be successful, as well. 

Who is your favorite current Red Sox player? Why?
I do not know much about baseball, but my favorite player is Dustin Pedroia. I think it is cool that he has been on the team for so long and that he is such a great player. He is also originally from California, like me! 

You were able to make it to Fenway for a game this season. What was that experience like?
Being at Fenway was super fun! It was my first time at a Red Sox game. I’m pretty sure it was pouring rain, but the energy from the crowd was tangible! 

What is your favorite memory from the 2017 Red Sox season?My favorite memory from this season was when Pedroia made a bare-handed throw at a game in Texas, which eventually resulted in Carlos Gomez getting tagged out. 


I'm sure we all remember that play!

As always, I want to give a huge thank you to Josie for finding time in her busy schedule to visit with us. It's always so much fun! Another thank you to her for providing the  pictures to go along with the interview. I'm glad she was able to find one from her visit to Fenway.

As Josie continues her time as Miss Berlin-Gorham, be sure to keep track of her on all the official Miss Berlin-Gorham Facebook and Instagram accounts! You can also follow along with her adventures on her personal Instagram account. That way you won't miss a thing.

I also want to wish Josie luck at the upcoming Miss New Hampshire competition. It would be so fantastic to have a member of the Section 36 family bring home that crown!

Thanks again for the visit Josie!

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