
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Alayna Westcom Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! This time it's Red Sox fan, and Miss Vermont, Alayna Westcom! I'm sure that Alayna is unbelievably busy these days as she prepares to head to Atlantic City next month to compete for  Miss America. I'm incredibly grateful that she took the time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions for the blog about the Sox, her time as Miss Vermont, and her future plans. Let's see what happens when Miss Vermont visits Section36!

Alayna (r) poses with Miss
Vermont's Outstanding Teen
Sophia Parker...and Section 36!
What was your first trip to Fenway like?
My first experience at Fenway was when I was 10 or 11 years old. I had grown up watching the Red Sox play but there is no experience like seeing them in person. It was a family trip down to see the Sox play, and we went a few times as family vacations. At that point Johnny Damon was my favorite player and I was so excited to be able to take a picture of him.

If you could sit in Section 36 and watch a Red Sox game with anyone in the world, who would you pick?

My Uncle, he is one of the biggest Sox fans you will meet, and he was the one who introduced my brother, sister and me to the Red Sox when we were young. He has always supported the team no matter how the year may be going.

Who is your all-time favorite Red Sox player? Why?

This is a tough one, I grew up loving Johnny Damon. To this day I still think that he is my favorite player, even though he stayed out of the spotlight for the most part. He was clearly an integral part of the team but he wasn't afraid to let others have the spot on them and let them be highlighted. That is admirable for a professional player.

What about the Fenway experience makes your drive to the park worth it?
Everything. There is nothing like being able to sit in the stands in the sun and watch a great American pastime. The food, the people, the atmosphere, everything about it is fun.

Alayna and Sophia waving
to everyone!
I love that your "talent" is a science experiment. How did you decide on which experiment to perform?
I chose a demonstration that I do often when I visit schools. Not only is it educational, it is so much fun. The entertainment value of this demonstration is a key part, having foam shoot into the air engages the audience and it shows just how relatable and entertaining science can be.

Why is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) so important to focus on in our schools?
STEM is everywhere. No matter what you are doing throughout the day, STEM is involved. I believe that it is important to focus on this to show students that STEM is tangible. At times many students think that they will never use STEM education later in life but it is important to show them that it is all around us.  Focusing on STEM is critical to ensuring that the US as a country is able to move forward with the changing times, new medicine, new technology, architecture, and so much more. Without STEM education and students pursuing STEM degrees, there is no way we are going to be able to solve the problems that we as a human race have created.

What has been your favorite part about being Miss Vermont?
Traveling. The lack of sleep and the days that are hard are completely outweighed by the number of students I get to meet throughout my year, and the smiling faces of the folks in nursing homes, after school programs, and schools. They make it all worth it, and being able to travel to see so many is my favorite part. My goal as Miss Vermont is to visit all 251 cities and towns in our state.

Other than winning, what are you most looking forward to about the Miss America competition?
The experience as a whole. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be on the stage with 51 other young women who are driven, smart, and so personable. Having met all of the young women in Orlando, I know that the two weeks that we have in Atlantic City are going to be spent creating stronger friendships, and making memories that will last a lifetime.

You’re currently working as an autopsy technician. Is that where you see yourself in the future?
Yes, sort of. My goal is to become a Medical Examiner, so after a few more years of school I hope to still be in the morgue but in a different role. I would love to have the opportunity to teach students and encourage them to think outside of the box when it comes to careers, although they may not be the "typical" career, it doesn't mean that it isn't the right one for them!


That's great advice!

I want to send a huge thank you to Alayna for taking the time to provide these great answers. Another big thank you for sending along the pictures of her from Vermont Day at Fenway Park. Especially the ones of her posing with Section 36! Don't they look great?

And, of course, good luck Alayna next month in Atlantic City at Miss America! We're all pulling for you!

Thanks again!

(Feel free to find Alayna on: twitter, instagram, or facebook)

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