
Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Spring!

Yup. No matter what the world looks like outside your window, today is the official first day of spring! Of course, this day means different things to different people. It might be the day they start looking for flowers to begin poking through the snow. Or, the day they wear all their pastel colored clothes. Here at Section 36, the first day of spring means that we’re one day closer to the start of real baseball! Of course, the Sox have been having Spring Training for a bit now. But, every day brings us one day closer to the real season.

Spring also means a lot more baseball has been showing up on social media. If you look through Instagram, or Twitter, or Facebook, you’ll see people posting baseball pictures everywhere. Naturally, the recent ones show people at Spring Training games. But, lots of people have been taking Fenway tours while getting ready for the season. Not to mention that thanks to things like “throwback Thursdays” or “flashback Fridays” or even simple “latergrams” there have also been plenty of pictures of people enjoying Fenway and its best section. Some people have even been gracious enough to share them with me! If you regularly check out the “Pix with 36” page, you’re aware of the rush of new and amazing photos over the last week or so. For those of you who haven’t learned to check out that page all the time, I thought I’d share the newest crop with you. Maybe this will convince you to check out that page more often. Or, maybe, to send in some pics of your own! As it happens, these pictures have also all made their way to the Facebook pg. Another great reason to make sure you “like” Section 36!

We’ll start with Samantha. This is a great pic of her with Section 36 while she was serving a Miss NH. She had the good sense to make sure Section 36 was in the shot as she sang God Bless America. Presently, you can find her by looking for a Pretty Sporty Girl.

Next we have Melissa. She was tossed a ball during batting practice. Of course, the best way to celebrate that is to pose for a picture with the ball, and Section 36.

Next we have Nicole. I like how this pic pairs a Sox fan and a Cub fan into one great image. Obviously, they both knew Section 36 was very important to get into the shot.

Here we have Hanna who definitely went above and beyond (literally) normal effort to make sure she got a pic with Section 36. I’ve asked if this is the best selfie with Section 36 ever. What do you think?

Hannah was one of the people I mentioned taking advantage of a Fenway tour in order to get ready for the season. If you take a tour of Fenway, but don’t take your picture with Section 36, you’re doing it wrong.

Finally, Vanessa provided an obvious throwback. Once again, a perfect shot posing with the best section in Fenway.

So, while those are some of the most recent submissions, they’re certainly not all of them. That’s why you should remember to check out the Pix with 36 page often. And, even more pics are posted to the Section 36 facebook pg. So, make sure you’re tuned into Section 36 no matter where you go.

It’s an internet sensation.

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