
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy 36th Birthday!

Today we wish a very happy 36th birthday to former infielder Alex Cora!

Cora was with the Sox from 2005 – 2008. He did a great job filling the utility infielder role. Wherever he was needed, he did what was asked. However, he may be most well known for the one time he wasn’t asked to fill in where so many thought he was needed.

At the start of the 2007 season, Alex Cora was playing wonderfully. While it was in his customary limited action, he was hitting the ball as well as anyone could ask. He couldn’t seem to crack Terry Francona’s line-up though. Despite the fact that the rookie starter wasn’t hitting nearly as well as Cora, Francona stuck by his guns and left Cora on the bench. No matter how much the public cried, Cora was left on the bench. And, unfortunately for Cora, it was the right move. Who knows how Dustin Pedrioa’s rookie season would have ended if Francona had gone with the hot Cora in April.

So, these days we can thank Alex Cora for the part he played in the 2007 World Series Championship. We can also thank him for staying out of Dustin Pedrioa’s way as he went on the with the Rookie of the Year award.

Happy 36th Birthday Alex Cora!

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