
Friday, April 25, 2008

The Long Ball: The Summer of ’75 - Spaceman, Catfish, Charlie Hustle, and the Greatest World Series Ever Played - By Tom Adelman

This book gives a unique view into a great season of major league
baseball. Rather than focus on a team, like so many books do, this focused on the league itself. Naturally there were many references to the Reds and Red Sox, since they played the largest roles in the season. It contains behind the scenes glimpses into the interworkings of a major league team, and put everything into the perspective of the league itself.

The book was a little heavy on the dramatic irony. A few too many stories referenced Bobby Bonds’s son, or the little Griffey. But it wasn’t enough to detract from the story. As it followed the season, it felt like I was right in 1975, following a daily newspaper. With true stories, one gauge I use is if I’m interested, even though I know the ending. By the end, I was so engulfed, I wasn’t sure Fisk’s ball was going to hit the foul pole or not.

I’d rate this book at 3 bases…standing up.

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