
Thursday, July 13, 2023

2023 Bowman Blaster!

I know. I know. It may have crossed a line somewhere, somehow. This is getting a little ridiculous. But, really, when is too much too much? It's still fun to open. You still never know what card will come out of a pack next. I still don't know how many Red Sox cards I'll get in a box, or if I'll have heard of any of them before. So, it's still great to open packs!

Let's see how it went!

Seen this box enough yet?

And all the packs. More than the mega box.

I think they had a video about him last time I was at Fenway. Hopefully that means he has a bright future.

Don't know anything about him. But, it's a first Bowman Chrome card, so that's cool.

Him I've heard of. It's a little tweener card though. Not his first Bowman, not a rookie. So...just "another" prospect card. Just a bit less cool.

As opposed to this rookie card. Is he the real deal? This could be a fun card to have.

Another tweener prospect. Not familiar with him either. I really need to get a prospect list out before I open these packs.

Now, there's another rookie. Hopefully he's figuring things out and will live up to his promise. 

Another one I'm not familiar with, but probably because it's his first card. Nothing but blue skies ahead, I'm sure.

And there you have it. A whole bunch of Red Sox cards this time. Two of the hot current rookies, and a fun collection of prospects. Even if you open a blaster of this every day, there are great things to find.

How have yours gone?


  1. Mayer and Rafaela are both on the Top 100 MLB prospects list, while Romero and Anthony are both on the Sox Top 10. Future is looking bright!
