
Monday, May 8, 2023

1991 Topps Pack!

The Easter Bunny did something a little weird this year. Somehow he managed to get his paws on an unopened (I assume) pack of 1991 Topps. So, I thought this might be a fun little trip down memory lane. 

How did it go? Let's find out!

Here's the pack. 15 cards (wow!) and a stick of gum. Yes I tried the gum. No, it wasn't good. Like, really not good. 

Ooh, and a game! I hope I win.

The one flaw with Topps using its old designs is that when you do open old packs like this, it doesn't feel all that unusual. I've opened packs with this design not that long ago.

But, these are still fun cards. I'm always a sucker for the picture overlapping the border. Even if it's just the ball like this one. Almost like the ball is leaving the confines of the card to come and get me.

The cropping of this picture really fills in the card nicely.

Tim Hulett looks troubled in this picture. Wonder what's going on.

Maybe he knows.

Mike's arm is so long, it needs to leave the card.

I like manager cards. I mean, they're part of the ream...right?

I'm going out on a limb and saying this is not an actual action shot. 

This one is, though. A great picture of the Cubs pinstripes tightly cropped with the ivy behind him. All perfectly framed by the blue and red border. 

Oooh, prospecting time!

Is he a better broadcaster than he was a player?

Hall of Famer alert! Not only is his bat extending beyond the frame, but it's moving so fast that mere film can't capture it.

Mel also looks a little amazed by Brett's batspeed.

Another Hall of Famer! Another great Cubs card too. Dawson looks ready to absolutely crush the ball.

And we'll close it out with this nice Drabek here. Another case where the border colors really help make the card.

So, there you go. 15 cards, and no Red Sox. Three Orioles, two Cubs, and two Royals though! It was still fun to open the pack.

Even if I think I still have that gum taste in my mouth.