
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Emily Benz Visits Section 36!

Section 36 had another visitor! 
Emily Benz is passionate about reading, a nursing student, and the current Miss Maple Leaf. I was so flattered she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Emily Benz visits Section 36!

What made you decide to try for the Miss Maple Leaf crown?

Last year I represented my home county under the title of Miss Chittenden County, but I knew that this year I wanted a title that represented my love for all parts of Vermont. They say home is where the heart is and I almost feel as if there are pieces in my heart scattered all across Vermont; I am so lucky to be able to say that this whole state is my home. The Sugar Maple tree is our state tree and plays a big part in our economy. Vermont is the largest producer and supplier of maple syrup in the nation and the changing colors of the trees during foliage season is a huge leaf-peeping attraction; it felt fitting to represent my love for this state under the title of Miss Maple Leaf. 

What has been the biggest surprise about your time as Miss Maple Leaf?

Last year I gained so many new and lifelong friends competing for the title of Miss Vermont; I was overjoyed to hear that many of those friends were returning this year to compete along with a bunch of new delegates! Getting to know everyone competing this year and cheering each other on through our time as local titleholders is hands down one of the best parts of this organization. I have especially enjoyed being able to work with Miss Maple Leaf’s Teen and collaborate with each other on our Community Service Initiatives. The connections made and sisterhood gained through the organization was something that I had always heard about, when I competed for the first time I was shocked at just how real it was. I have two older brothers and always wanted a sister growing up; this organization has given me the support of a whole century’s worth of sisters and for that I will be forever grateful for! 

What part of the upcoming Miss Vermont competition are you most nervous about?

I’m bringing a new talent to the Miss Vermont stage this year! While I am very excited and absolutely love every part of what I am putting together, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit nervous to showcase it in front of the audience. I’ve always been a creative person! I love the challenge of learning a new hobby or starting a new project when it comes to arts and crafts; my talent this year feels like a combined representation of that. It’s been a challenge learning this new skill, but the process has also truly been so much fun. I can’t wait to reflect that excitement, passion, and love into my performance on the Miss Vermont stage in April. 

How did you select your social impact initiative, “Let’s Read: Empowering Today’s Readers to be Tomorrow’s Leaders”? 

I have always been an avid reader, my love for literature was established early on and has followed me throughout my life. My mom is also a Kindergarten teacher, I spent many days in her classroom growing up watching her foster a love for books in her students. When I got old enough, she would let me read to her class during read-aloud time. In high school, I became a literacy tutor and began helping elementary students build strong literacy skills. This experience made me realize just how many students did not have access to age-appropriate literature outside of school. When students don’t have access to books they are put at a disadvantage in their education and at an increased risk of dropping out of school down the line. I wanted to make sure that these students had every opportunity they could to pursue their dreams; every child deserves to share in the joy of reading and the chance to advance to higher education. So, in 2019 I started Let’s Read as a community-based project. I primarily collected new and used books to be distributed to students all across Vermont and served as a mentor for students in their reading journey; I have since collected and distributed over 1,000 books! Today, I have a Let’s Read website that features posts to get children excited about books, a literacy resources page to connect families to free reading material through the power of the internet, a reading club to encourage students of all ages to read for at least 20 minutes a day, and a goals setting workshop to teach students how to map out their path towards achieving their dreams through setting SMART goals. 

What is your favorite part about performing your talent on stage?

I mentioned earlier that I am bringing a new talent to the stage this year! However, regardless of what I am performing, my favorite part of performing my talent is being able to share something that I am passionate about outside of my Community Service Initiative and my love for the Miss Vermont Scholarship Organization. Every woman who competes is truly so talented and well-rounded in what they do; I always see that reflected in the talent portion! I’m thrilled to be able to share my creative side and love for art through my talent performance this year. 

You are currently studying nursing at Castleton University. What drew you to that field?

I always knew that I wanted to go into the medical profession! Science was my favorite subject in school. I loved how the complexity of all the different science courses I took in school challenged me and how there was always something new to learn. I landed on nursing because of the caring aspect of it; I have always been a very caring and empathetic person, after getting a small taste of nursing through working as a Personal Care Assistant I knew it’s what I was meant to do. I have plans to work as a mother-baby nurse after I graduate in May. I’ll be working with a variety of antepartum, postpartum, and newborn patients! After a few years of nursing experience, I hope to return to school to become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and work in the NICU. 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

That’s a tough question; I love so many Disney characters! However, I would probably have to choose Ariel. She was my favorite Disney princess growing up and I think it would be so cool to explore the ocean from her point of view. Also, who wouldn't want to be a mermaid or live at an oceanside castle for a week?

If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play at Fenway Park, who would you take with you? Why?

I would probably have to choose my dad. We always went to Vermont Lake Monsters games together when I was little. I would love to be able to go to Fenway with him and see the Red Sox play, especially if it was against the Yankees as he is a New Yorker!

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?

I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest baseball fan. I am however a HUGE hockey fan! This past Winter Classic was held at Fenway and I would have loved to be able to attend; maybe I’ll be able to see it the next time Fenway hosts. Although, if I had to choose a baseball event at Fenway then I would have to say Vermont Day for sure! 


I want to go to the Winter Classic at Fenway too! 

As always, I want to thank Emily for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to go with the interview.

I also want to wish her luck when she competes for Miss Vermont! It would be fantastic to have yet another Section 36 Forever wear that crown.

I'm sure you'd like to follow along with Emily during her journey as Miss Maple Leaf. You should be sure to check out her title's Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on. You should also check out the Let's Read website to see how you can help Emily empower readers.

Thanks again Emily, and good luck!

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