
Thursday, December 15, 2022

2022 Bowman Blaster!

It's been a while since I've opened a blaster of this. Bowman is always a little less fun to open than some of the other sets since with all the pre-rookies there isn't that immediate star power. Nor is there the massive hit potential of the chrome version. But, it's still fun opening packs...right?

Let's see how it went!

The box, with the fun graphics.

And the packs, with the same design. A little variety would be nice.

People have been talking about this guy a little bit lately. Hope he's the real deal. And, yes, you can get the Chrome version in these packs.

I don't remember. Do we have high hopes for this guy?

I'll admit. I have no idea who this guy is.

Well, I guess if you're going to get a duplicate, it might as well be this one.

And there you have it. None of the Red Sox cards I pulled are current players...unless you count Jeter. And, one of them I hadn't heard of until now. Exactly the problem with opening Bowman boxes. But, who knows? Maybe in five years I'll look back on this box and smile.

How did you do?

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