
Friday, July 9, 2021

Savannah Giammarco Visits Section 36!

Photo: Clifton Prescod
Section 36 has another visitor! Savannah Giammarco is passionate about achieving wellness, a business owner, and world traveler. I was so excited that she wanted to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So, let's see what happens when Savannah Giammarco visits Section 36!

You recently finished 3rd runner up to Miss Connecticut USA. What was that experience like?

It was truly amazing! Being a former Miss CT Teen USA, the USA system truly has a very special place in my heart. It was a fantastic weekend and I truly felt I brought the best version of myself to the stage and left it all out there! Though I didn’t walk away with the crown, I took away so much from the journey to the competition and that weekend. I am a firm believer in the universe and things always work out the way they’re supposed to even if we don’t know why in the moment. 

You’ve also competed within the Miss America Organization. What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned about yourself from your pageant experience?

Photo: The Code Creatives
MAO really helped develop me not only as a competitor, but also has a person. It really expanded my intellectual curiosity and challenged me to keep becoming better day after day. Through my experience, and being first runner up three years in a row, it taught me that hard work and perseverance are underrated.  As a first generation Italian-American, my family has always instilled in my the importance of a strong work ethic and further to never give up when you’re set out to accomplish something. I feel that MAO really brought that out and me and allowed me to really strengthen that aspect of myself. 

Your competition platform was “Find Your Strong”, an organization you founded. What can you tell me about it?

Growing up I was severely bullied for my weight. I received death threats from people I knew had guns in their household and endured both physical and emotional trauma from that experience. Not having the resources available to me to know how to live a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, I ended up developing atypical anorexia nervosa. Now, having overcome all of that and having learned what it means to be “well” I created Find Your Strong (@find_yourstrong and  to be a cost free resources for anyone struggling to achieve physical, mental or emotional wellness. On the website, there are recipes, blogs, and even resources to allow people easy access to organizations and programs that can provide the help they might need.  I also have had the incredible opportunity to go into schools and start teaching the foundation of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle at a young age! 

You also recently started your own business “Savvy Social Media Management”. What was it like getting that off the ground?

Photo: Clifton Prescod
Its been a learning experience FOR SURE! Before opening my own business I was working my dream job at iHeartMedia CT. Unfortunately due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was laid off. After months of job searching in a barren market, I decided it was time to take fate into my own hands and open my own company! So, combining my BA in Journalism, my MS in Public Relations, and my previous work experience, I decided social media management would be my next adventure! Now I have the amazing opportunity to work on content creation and brand development for a wide array of companies. Like I said, there was definitely a learning curve as far as registering an LLC, quarterly tax laws and requirements, etc. - but I feel so grateful that it’s been a successful adventure so far! 

You’ve been able to do some modeling. What do you enjoy about being in front of the camera?

I have been someone whose always been into fashion! What I love most about modeling is the seeing the overall look come together and being able to express that look on camera! Modeling really is about expression and conveying the message or “vibe” of a specific line, brand, designer, clientele, etc. I really love to be able to express so many different things and even get to try looks I might never wear on a day to day basis. Having been in New York Fashion Week, a showroom model for NYC fashion houses, and meeting photographers and designers around the world, there’s nothing I’d rather do! I have some really exciting projects coming up and I am hopeful more will follow! 

You’ve also been able to do quite a bit of traveling. What’s your favorite place you’ve visited?

YES! I love traveling! I’ve been to more than 20 different countries and 4 different continents. Out of all the places I’ve been I have to say Gibraltar might have been one of my favorites! Of course I love the major cities like London, Paris and Barcelona, but Gibraltar is so different. It’s a very small English territory off the coast of Spain and they are famous for a massive rock structure called the “Rock of Gibraltar.” When you go up the rock there are wild monkeys EVERYWHERE and they are NOT shy! It was such an amazing experience to see the culture and history of the country while also having this crazy experience of monkeys literally jumping on our taxi. As an avid traveler  and a huge animal lover, I think that is my top so far! However, my dream is to go on safari someday, so I anticipate that when that trip happens it might top Gibraltar! 

If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play the Yankees, who would you take with you? Why?

Ooooo this a good one! I think I’d take my boyfriend Erwan!He’s French and hasn’t ever experienced a baseball game!  Baseball really isn’t a big thing there and I think it would be a very memorable “American” experience for him and a great memory for the both of us!

Is there a feature or activity at a Red Sox game that you’d especially like to experience?

I actually went to a Red Sox game a few summers ago! It was SOOOO hot! So I think I’d like to experience a game where it’s not in the high 90’s, haha! But I did enjoy myself despite the heat! Being in Fenway in real life is such a cool experience and I hope all the Red Sox fans out there get a chance to experience it at least once! 


A cooler game is definitely a better experience!

As always, I want to thank Savannah for visiting with us, and for sending along the fantastic pictures to go with the interview.

As she mentioned, I encourage you to check out the Find Your Strong website and Instagram account. You should also be sure to visit Savvy Social Media Management on Instagram to see what it's all about. You should also be sure to follow her personal Instagram account to make sure you don't miss anything she has going on!
Thanks again Savannah, and good luck with all of your activities!

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