
Friday, January 8, 2021

Mara Strich Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Mara Strich is passionate about mentoring, a talented flautist, and the current Miss Otter Creek. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Mara Strich visits Section 36!

What made you want to participate in the Miss VT preliminary program as Miss Otter Creek?
I’ve always been a person that loves trying new things, and picking up passion projects. I felt like quarantine partially stifled that, but it also gave me the time and space to brainstorm new ideas. Competing for Miss Vermont was one of those! I was particularly drawn to the scholarship aspect of the Miss America Organization – to me, as a student that has been working since 16, having an opportunity that might help pay for my higher education is extremely important. Beyond that, however, I am always trying to find ways to get involved in the Vermont community, and I love that this organization gives women the platform to do so.


What part of the upcoming Miss Vermont competition are you most nervous about?

I wouldn’t say that there’s anything I’m specifically nervous

about – there are certainly aspects I am more excited about than others. I think I do best when I’m talking to others, and it’s been several years since I have actually performed my talent onstage, so, without preparation, I actually feel most out of my element for that! I am a performer at heart, however, so I know I will feel right at home on that stage in May, when the time comes.


Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Otter Creek?

There are so many things that I’d love to accomplish, both in the community and for myself. Coronavirus has impacted a lot of these – I’m home in New York now, and even during my time in Vermont, my ability to travel is limited, for safety reasons. I think, however, that this year has been an adjustment for everyone, and we are really starting to see the incredible impact technology and social media is having on our world. Learning how to use that to its full potential in my position will not only be a change from what titleholders did in the past, but will also probably play a large role in what the position looks like for the future. I would love to travel Vermont, to meet as many people as possible, and learn from those that I am acting as a resource for. Of course, we have yet to see what this will look like. Making the best of a situation sometimes brings out things we couldn’t have expected otherwise – and I’m excited to see what this year will bring.


What do you think you’ll select as your social impact initiative?

Mentoring is incredibly important to me, and I have worked with various groups and individuals in Vermont over the past couple of years. This is something I’d love to continue, especially in the form of raising awareness for career and higher education access. I truly believe that conveying our experiences should be an important and essential part of any form of higher education, and I want to work to establish more of a norm between colleges and other institutions, and the high schools in Vermont and beyond. Going into college, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do, but I wish I had the opportunity or connections to talk to more people in the fields that interested me, at the colleges I was aiming for, and with the careers that I dreamed of. Mentoring does not have to be a time consuming or expensive thing for either party, but the rewards both sides can reap are numerous.

As a talented flautist, what do you enjoy the most about performing on stage?

I will always cherish my time playing in the orchestra setting,

and I think one of the most special feelings in the world is sitting amongst other musicians and feeling the energy: the lights, and the crowd, and our music, all together. To me, nothing can replicate that. I had the incredible opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall five years ago, and I remember taking that first step out on stage and seeing, at center stage, a faded X taped beneath my feet, and it reminded me of all the incredible musicians who had stood in the same spot as me before. That sentiment only added to that incredible energy of being onstage that is truly indescribable. As I mentioned prior, it’s been several years since I have performed, but I am already feeling the excitement of picking up where I left off.


If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

Without a doubt, Princess Jasmine. Clearly, I have always wanted to wear a crown… but more so than that, I love her stubbornness. She has always been my favorite princess because of her fierce independence, and her fight for her own liberation.


What is your favorite part about attending a baseball game in person?

I’d have to say the food. There is something so traditional and comforting about it! I think that some of the things Covid has made me miss the most are the mundane things most of us didn’t think to always put at the top of our list. But sitting out in the sun, with food and a drink, and cheering on a team – that, I cannot wait to do again.


If you had an extra ticket to a Red Sox game, who would you take with you? Why?

Definitely my grandpa or my dad. I know that that my dad grew up going to baseball games with my grandpa at Fenway because it was the closest to their home in Upstate New York. It would be such a fun outing!


Is there a feature or activity at Fenway that you’d especially like to experience?

I would love to experience Vermont Day! I’ve never been to Fenway, but I think it would be amazing to visit it in that capacity, especially if I was able to do it as a titleholder. In the perfect post-Covid world, it would be an amazing to go with the other preliminary candidates by my side. But even if not in the coming year – hopefully someday!


I really hope she gets to do that!

As always, I want to thank Mara for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Mara continues her time as Miss Otter Creek, I encourage you to check out her Instagram account. It's a great way to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck whenever she competes for the Miss Vermont title. It would be wonderful to have another Section 36 visitor wear that crown!
Thanks again Mara, and good luck!

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