
Friday, January 15, 2021

Lydia Fisher Visits Section 36!

Photo by Rockett Studios
Section 36 has another visitor! Lydia Fisher is passionate about special abilities, a talented singer, and the current Miss Bluff City Fair. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Lydia Fisher visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Bluff City Fair crown?

What better way to celebrate a momentous win than by having fun at the Bluff City Fair! My director happens to run the company that puts on the fair plus many others throughout the South. One of the sideshow acts happened to be a traveling family circus. I was honored to be introduced as Miss Bluff City Fair at the circus! 

As Miss Bluff City Fair, you get to represent your hometown. How does that make this title different from others? 

It is so much more accessible to make appearances as Miss Bluff City Fair in my community than it was last year when I was under the title of Miss Greater Nashville, which was three hours away. It is an honor to represent Memphis when it happens to be that this city will be the host for the 2021 competition. 

What has been the most pleasant surprise about your time as Miss Bluff City Fair?

I don’t know if I’d call it pleasant, but it was definitely a surprise

for Covid to come to town and cancel the 2020 competition. But in turn, this allows me to keep improving and growing, so that when the competition arrives in June 2021, I will be much more prepared for the job of Miss Tennessee!

How did you select your social impact, “Special Abilities: Advocacy for Special Needs Education and Job Placement”?

I didn’t choose my social impact, it chose me. Five years ago, before the plan to compete in the Miss America Organization even crossed my mind, I created a social enterprise project with my friends at Madonna Learning Center; a school for children and adults with special abilities. My whole life I have been very close to a young lady named Elisabeth Ann, a student at the school. She was born with Down Syndrome, but she never let that stop her from achieving her goals. Elisabeth Ann taught me that if she doesn’t let her special ability stand in the way of her dreams, I should not let anything stand in the way of mine! From this, friendship Pony Pucks was born! And

it has been growing and growing ever since! The goal of Pony Pucks is to help students at Madonna Learning Center gain skills that they need to flourish in the workforce! As Miss Tennessee, I hope to encourage more programs that engage young adults with special needs in learning new sets of skills that will help them lead independent lifestyles and careers!

As a talented singer, what do you enjoy the most about performing on stage?

When I am onstage, I can be anyone, anywhere. It’s as if I am magically transported to wherever it is that my character is or whatever the song is about. When you know the meaning behind the lyrics, it can often help you understand more things about myself as a person!

What is your personal fitness routine?

I begin every morning at 5 A.M. with my friend and trainer,

Roland, aka King Ro! He makes early mornings fun! If you have ever seen any of my Instagram videos, you know what I’m talking about!

If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

Of course, you would think I’d want to be a Disney Princess, wouldn’t you? There are so many wonderful Disney characters, it makes it hard to choose! While Belle and Tiana are definitely my favorite princesses, I would rather be Dory from Finding Nemo. Why? Growing up with a learning disability which I often compare to Dory’s short term memory loss, I always felt like every time I messed something up, I was just a failure. But I’ve never been one to give up either, and will always find a solution in my own “Dory” or shall I say “Lydia” way! And I always do!

You had the opportunity to sing the national anthem before a University of Memphis baseball game. What was that experience like?

It was my first national anthem appearance as a titleholder, so it was nerve wracking. When I stepped out on the field, I noticed the Memphis team had a young man with Down Syndrome serving as the manager to the team. It set me at ease. I felt I was in my own element.

Is there a feature or activity at a Memphis Redbirds game that you’d especially like to experience?

Obviously, I’d love to have the opportunity to sing the anthem for the Redbirds, but something I’ve always wanted to do is stand on top of the dugout (in crown and sash) and shoot some t-shirts out of a canon! In heels and everything! I think I’d probably have a lot of fun fun doing that!


That certainly sounds like a fun idea!

As always, I want to thank Lydia for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Lydia continues her time as Miss Bluff City Fair, I encourage you to check out her official Instagram account. It’s a great way to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck when she competes for the Miss Tennessee title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!


Thanks again Lydia, and good luck!

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