
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Aria Austin Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Aria Austin is passionate about reflecting inner beauty, a talented singer, and the current Miss Greater Richmond. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. 

So, let's see what happens when Aria Austin visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Greater Richmond crown?

The day I competed for Miss Greater Richmond was a whirlwind for sure. It was on a Saturday and I had to work in the morning, so I wasn't able to stay at the after party for long. However, I did take lots of pictures and made sure to call my mom right after I won! It was very exciting and one of the best moments of 2020 for me. 

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Greater Richmond? 

As Miss Greater Richmond, it is always my goal to spread a message of kindness everywhere, on and offline. One of the main ways I accomplish this is through my social impact initiative "Pretty Is As Pretty Does" - #PIAPD which is designed to counteract ill-conceived notions of beauty through using "pretty" as an action word. I also hope to spotlight 50 people on my social impact social media pages by the Miss Virginia competition and to raise $1,000 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! 

What has been the most pleasant surprise about your time as Miss Greater Richmond?

The most pleasant surprise has been the invisible 5th point of

Photo by
Coburn Creations
the Miss America crown — sisterhood! The titleholders in the Miss America organization are incredible and so kind. During quarantine, I was able to connect with titleholders across the country online. We support one another's initiatives and I've even become pen pals with a local titleholder! The state titleholders are also very kind and willing to talk about their experiences which is so beneficial. I'm very grateful for the connections I've made this year. 

How did you select your social impact, “Pretty Is As Pretty Does”?

When I was 15, I created "Pretty Is As Pretty Does" - #PIAPD because online I noticed how prevalent cyberbullying was at the time and I wanted to find a way to combat negative social interaction on and offline.  As a result, #PIAPD was created! As the years have gone by, my social impact initiative has evolved into a broader commentary on beauty standards in America, in turn facilitating the discussion on how to live our lives in a truly beautiful way. The #PIAPD platform not only promotes doing acts of kindness to reflect inner beauty, but also promotes being kind to yourself by focusing on mental health. Hopefully, #PIAPD can help those affected by negative peer pressure and social interaction to build resistance. With the belief that our value comes from within, a golden heart symbolizes this initiative. As a victim of bullying and someone who recovered from suicidal ideation and depression, I am even more driven to share the message of "Pretty Is As Pretty Does" with the public.

As a talented singer, what do you enjoy the most about performing on stage?

My favorite thing about performing is being able to express myself and connect to the audience. I believe music is one of the most beautiful ways to connect with people and performing will forever be one of my favorite ways to connect with others. 

What is your personal fitness routine?

I'm a big fan of at-home workouts! I usually work out for an hour five times a week. I always start by stretching, doing a dance cardio warm-up, and then I alternate between focusing on my abs, arms, and legs. My go-to youtube channels are The Fitness Marshall, MadFit, and Popsugar Fitness. My diet is also very important, so I try to make sure I'm not eating too many processed foods and incorporate the protein needed to maintain my muscle.  

If you could be a Disney Character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

If I could be any Disney character for a week, I would be Belle

because she is my favorite Disney princess. I'm an avid reader and would love to spend hours in the castle library. I also think her iconic yellow gown is very pretty and I would love to go to a ball in that gown.  

What is your favorite part about attending a baseball game in person?

I love the energy of baseball games! I think they are so exciting. I love the smell of fresh popcorn and roasted peanuts and looking out at the fresh green field. I love hearing the crack of the baseball bat. I also think that interacting with other fans is a lot of fun. For just a few hours, it's great being a part of something greater than myself. 

Is there a feature or activity at a Nationals game that you’d especially like to experience?

My college has something called "William & Mary Night at Nats Park" which is an activity enjoyed by many. DC has a large William & Mary alumni network, so there is always a solid turnout of alumni, students, families, and friends. I've been to a Nats game before but have yet to go to the W&M night. I was going to finally go this summer, but alas, coronavirus has postponed those plans. The Nats Stadium will certainly see me next July! Also, I hope to sing the national anthem at a Nats game someday, so hopefully next summer I will be able to do that as the next Miss Virginia!


That sounds like a fun night!

As always, I want to thank Aria for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Aria continues her time as Miss Greater Richmond, I encourage you to check out her personal and official Instagram accounts. They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on! Also be sure to check out her social impact, PIAPD, on both Facebook and Instagram. Both places are full of great resources

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck when she competes for the Miss Virginia title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!
Thanks again Aria, and good luck!

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