
Friday, October 9, 2020

Taylor Yamane Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Taylor Yamane is passionate about STEAM, a talented singer, and the current Miss University Heights. I was so glad that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more!

So, let's see what happens when Taylor Yamane visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss University Heights crown?

I first celebrated by seeing some of my fellow sister titleholders after the competition! Some I have known for a few years and some I was meeting for the first time, and it was so great to feel so welcomed by them. After the competition my mom and I joined Bella (who was crowned Miss San Bernardino County in the same competition), Bella’s family, and my directors at Starbucks, and Bella and I ate desserts and drank coffee in our evening gowns, crowns, and sashes. It was so fun!!  

Is there a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss University Heights?

I just have a pretty broad goal of getting to share my social

impact initiative with as many young girls around California as possible! Even now while we can’t really meet in person, I have been sitting on virtual panels to talk to students around northern California, and I just can’t wait to get to meet with our youth in person again. Service is honestly my favorite part of being a titleholder, so I just want to go out and do as much as I can! 

What part of the upcoming Miss California competition are you most nervous about?

The Miss America competition has gone through big changes since the last time I was at Miss CA, so I’m a little nervous to do a new type of competition. BUT ultimately I am way more excited than nervous!! I just can’t wait to see all my sisters and have such a fun time on stage with them!

How did you select your social impact initiative, “Full STEAM Ahead”?

I selected my social impact initiative because I basically live out STEAM every day of my life. STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and my social impact initiative is all about advocating for women in STEAM and showing everyone that the arts are a vital part of STEAM and to the lives of people in general. I am currently studying mechanical engineering at Santa Clara University, but I am also a classically trained pianist and vocalist. I have felt first hand what it feels like to not be taken seriously and to feel inferior by being a women in this field, and I don’t want any other girl to feel that way. I also have seen in my education and in my jobs that creativity and the ability to problem solve and think out of the box are so important to being a successful engineer, and I get that through my artistic outlets. Everyone needs an artistic outlet, and I believe that now one should give them up even if their career choices do not involve them. My SII is so close to my heart, and I’m glad that Miss America gives me a platform to advocate for it. 

As a talented singer, what do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

I honestly love getting lost in the music on stage. Sometimes it feels like the whole world has faded away, and it’s just me creating my own personal sound. I love that feeling because it means that the audience is truly seeing me and my emotions through my singing.

If you could be a Disney character for a week, who would you choose? Why?

Oh that is a great question, but I think I would have to pick Mulan. Mulan is by far my favorite Disney character! She just has so much confidence and toughness and is the most selfless person with more honor than any other Disney character. I would love to live in her shoes for a week because I strive for her tenacity and strength! 

You were able to sing the national anthem before the SCU baseball home opener. What was that experience like?

The experience was so awesome! The weather had been so

gloomy and rainy in Santa Clara, and then on opening day it was clear skies and so many students came out to support. They have so many fun opening day festivities and ceremonies, and I felt so honored that I was a part of those ceremonies. I felt so much community and just such a fun and competitive atmosphere that it would’ve been surreal just being there as a student! But being able to sing the anthem was an honor! 

Growing up, you were able to attend some Mariners games. What do you remember most about your trips to Safeco Field?

I think the most fun part is getting to enjoy the sport with my family! The atmosphere at professional sports games is unlike any other. People cheering, music playing, fireworks sometimes, and everyone just having the best time. But I have fun memories of eating so much food, especially the hotdogs at Safeco field, with my family. My family and I are big sports people, so getting to enjoy Mariners games with them is just the best thing ever.

If you had an extra ticket to a Mariners game, who would you bring with you? Why?

I would definitely bring my dad! My dad is the reason why I

love sports. I was a competitive hurdler and basketball player in high school, and he was the one who coached our t-ball and basketball teams when I was younger. He’s the reason for my really competitive edge, and I think he deserves that ticket more than anyone! 


That’s so wonderful!

As always, I want to thank Taylor for visiting with us, and for sending along the wonderful pictures to go with the interview.

As Taylor continues her time as Miss University Heights, I encourage you to check out her official Instagram and Facebook accounts and website. They’re great ways to keep track of everything she has going on!

I also definitely want to wish her the best of luck whenever she competes for the Miss California title. It would be wonderful to have the first Section 36 visitor wear that crown!

Thanks again Taylor, and good luck!

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