
Friday, January 17, 2020

Sabrina Ponte Revisits Section 36!

Section 36 has another revisitor! You may remember Sabrina Ponte from her previous visit while she held the Miss Cranberry Country crown. This time she visits as Miss Music Row within the Miss Tennessee organization. I’m excited to be able to catch up on what she’s been up to since the last visit. She also represents the first visitor from the state of Tennessee, which is so fantastic. I’m glad we were able to visit again.

So, let’s see what happens when Sabrina Ponte visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Music Row crown?
I knew that I would be celebrating all year so I did not make plans to do anything special. For me celebrating is getting to see my sister crowns win following weeks, reaching a new personal goal in my workouts, getting to see progress with my social initiative, making appearance, meeting my sponsors, etc. So I wanted to rest up and be ready to conquer the week because I was so excited.

Do you have a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time with the title?
Photo by Byra Chelansley
SO many goals I would love to accomplish. Growing the Miss America brand for one, and getting to know the organization and its partners as best I can in the state of Tennessee. I also have a list of organizations in the health field I would like to link with to advance my social initiative and serve.

Do you think your previous experience as a titleholder in Massachusetts will help you when you compete for Miss Tennessee?
100% My experience in Massachusetts has been invaluable. I discovered my love for pageants in Massachusetts and with winning their biggest Miss America local of Miss Boston, I have worked extremely closely with the city which has helped me develop into a better communicator, advocate, and people person!

How did you select your social impact initiative?
I have struggled to say the least when it comes to health.
Photo by
Blades Photography
One thing I dealt/deal with is RSD, more commonly known as chronic regional pain syndrome, which I still currently have and suffered from a lot more strongly growing up. My most life changing injury though happened right before I graduated high school. I was stopped in my vehicle and hit by an oncoming car; my recovery is still ongoing. 

With the issues I have faced I have met a lot of doctors, tried a lot of treatments, and persevered  to follow my dreams even when I was told they would not be possible. I refused to give up hope and started looking to the holistic side of things where, from my research, I realized how much lifestyle in general plays a role in disease prevention. Now would a different lifestyle have changed my injuries and diagnosis? No. But can it change other peoples? Absolutely! THAT is why I wanted to create my social initiative to focus on disease prevention. Fit and Full isn't just about exercising and eating healthy. It is about the holistic approach to disease prevention and healthy healing. I want the focus to be on how we can prevent medical issues, not just how to treat them with medications. Food is medicine and prevention is key! There is also always something in this topic that can relate to people. Are you interested in the environmental factors affecting people's health like water or air quality? The food we are eating? The amount of time people are active per day? The pharmaceutical industry? There's always a way to start the conversation about how we can experience a healthier life!

As an accomplished singer, how do/did you select the song you’ll sing at Miss Tennessee?
My song for Miss Tennessee is in the works and a surprise
but I am SO excited for you to hear it!

What is your personal fitness routine?
My body with my injuries can give me a hard time sometimes but that does not discourage me. There is no one way to workout or exercise, if you can move then we can make a plan for you! I recently have been focusing a lot on mobility and muscle strengthening so I do not have improper muscle compensation. I LOVE cardio, dance, and barre but have been incorporating more weights than usual. Since I have moved to Nashville, though, hiking is my new favorite form of exercise!

You’ve had the opportunity to do quite a bit of modeling. What do you like about being in front of the camera?
I have! This weekend I will be at the Country Cares Seminar in Memphis on the Red Carpet interviewing artists. I have always felt “myself” in front of the camera. I am a very creative person but also very focused and modeling allows me to be in my own lane honed in on what I am doing and be creative. Whether it is interviewing, selling a product, or shoots just for me I love finding my angles and figuring out what is the best way we can get a shot! It's one of my favorite things.

Are you still able to follow the Red Sox while living in Nashville?
I am! Although rumor has it Nashville might be getting a MLB team which would be exciting !

If you were going to throw out the first pitch at a Red Sox game, who would you want to be the catcher?
I have always been a Jason Varitek fan so that would be pretty cool to bring him back out! I think it's really cool when athletes play their whole career in the majors with one team.


That would be a great choice!

As usual, I want to thank Sabrina for visiting. I was glad we were able to make it happen. I also want to thank her for letting me use the pictures that accompany the interview. They always make for a better post!

As Sabrina continues her time as Miss Music Row, I encourage you to check out her official and personal instagram accounts. It’s the best way to make sure you don’t miss out on everything she’ll have goin on.

And, of course, I want to wish Sabrina luck when she competes for the Miss Tennessee crown. How incredible would it be to have a Section 36 visitor wear that crown?

Thanks again Sabrina, and good luck!


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