
Friday, January 24, 2020

Megan Stier Visits Section 36!

Photo by Dorthy Shi

Section 36 has another visitor! Megan Stier is a brain injury awareness advocate, a talented singer, and the current Miss Broadway. Yeah, that means she’s a Yankees fan. I was still thrilled she was willing to talk with us and discuss those topics, and a few more!

So, let’s see what happens when Megan Stier visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Broadway crown?
With Chipotle! I was so nervous all day that I hardly ate so after crowning all I wanted was Chipotle. I also called my family and friends who have supported me through the Miss America Organization to let them know I had won and to thank them for helping me get to that point!

What part of the upcoming Miss New York competition are you most nervous about?
RED CARPET! I am the clumsiest person and I know its just a matter of time before I faceplant in a formal gown. (Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen this year)

If you could play any role in any Broadway show, which would you pick? Why?
Glinda in Wicked. I have always said I want to “travel by bubble” just like she does. Her character was originated by Kristen Chenowith who I admire in both her personal and professional life. In fact, my Talent song was the one she used to do when she competed in the Miss America Organization.

How did you select your social impact initiative, “Brain Injury Awareness and Education”?
When I was in high school I suffered from a traumatic brain injury and I found that the hardest part wasn’t the pain, memory loss or speech differences that happened because of my injury. The hardest part was trying to go back to school and finding that there was very little knowledge and information available for my teachers and administrators on how to properly work with students with brain injury. Now I work to inform our schools about the needs and expectations of students returning to school post brain injury. My hope is to fully create a program for students to reintegrate back into their schools and communities seamlessly post injury.

As a talented singer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?
The audience. If its 10 people or 10,000 people I love to perform for them. In the Miss America program we have 90 seconds to entertain, so that is exactly what I try to do. Having the ability to create a world, mood, scenario or story with my voice and acting is so exciting and truly rewarding when the audience enjoys it as well.

What is your personal fitness routine?
I love crossfit and kickboxing. Each of these sports allow me to set personal fitness goals as I continue to learn and grow with them. Crossfit is a high intensity program mixed with cardio and heavy weights to get a full body workout and kickboxing is the cardio session you didn’t know you needed!

As a Yankees fan, who is your favorite Red Sox player? Why?
 I can’t pick a Red Sox player. No way. Not gonna happen!

What is your favorite Aaron Judge memory?
A couple years after I moved to the city, my dad came to visit and we went to a Yankees game. (Now you have to understand this is a big deal for my dad who counts down the days until spring training each year on February 12th) It was a last minute decision and he had not packed his Yankee gear. So he went to the closest thrift store and found a Judge jersey to wear to the game. (So maybe not an exact Aaron Judge memory or play he did but it was a fantastic day regardless)

Is there a feature or activity at Yankee Stadium that you’d especially like to experience?
One of my life goals is to sing the national anthem at Yankee Stadium. Im hoping to make that dream a reality in the near future!


That would be a lot of fun!

As usual, I want to thank Megan for visiting and for sending along the pictures that accompany the interview. They always make posts so much more fun!
As Megan continues her time as Miss Broadway, I encourage you to check out her official instagram account. It’s the best way to make sure you don’t miss out on everything she’ll have goin on.

And, of course, I want to wish Megan luck when she competes for the Miss New York crown. It would be great to have a Section 36 visitor wear that crown!

Thanks again Megan, and good luck!

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