
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Year in Review: Status of the Blog

So, I've already discussed some of the exciting growth in social media areas enjoyed by Section 36 in 2019.

But, what about just generally? How did the blog perform in 2019 at just being a blog? How did I do as a blogger? As a collector? I'm not going to pretend you actually care...but what else am I supposed to post about on New Year's Eve?

In 2018, this will be my 137th post. That's about a post a week fewer than in 2018. I wish that number was a bit higher. I think three posts a week is a good goal for a minimum, and would like to be slightly above that. This year I just wasn't really feeling it sometimes. It was getting annoying writing post after post about how the bullpen wan't going to kill the season and the starters needed to pick it up. (Unfortunately they never did.) Waiting for a team to finally get healthy can make for a long series of nothingness. Hopefully the 2020 season won't have any of that.

Although, those posts almost always included an interview on Friday. Hopefully you've been enjoying all the visits from celebrity Red Sox fans (or, at least baseball fans). I think they're a lot of fun, and enjoy hearing input from those types of fans. If you enjoy them too, that’s wonderful. If you don't, hopefully once a week isn't too intrusive. Because, looking back, it's actually been almost once a week. Hope I can keep that up.

The Section 36 store also had a great year. More people keep buying shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, and whatever else. I'm always humbled whenever a sale goes through. Hopefully you've enjoyed all the pictures people have sent in wearing their gear. With any luck, both sales and picture submittals will increase in 2020!

2019 was also a continuation of my blogging perspective to help me find my voice or my place in this wide world. Sometimes I found myself wondering what exactly the point of my blogging is. Especially with all the success of the interviews. I wonder if Section 36 should do those full time, like a talk show of sorts. Would at be easier to fit them in? After all, my in depth Red Sox writing is sometimes few and far between. But, I've come to realize that I was thinking about it wrong. I am a Red Sox fan. I like talking about the team, and about collecting their memorabilia, and going to their games, and talking with their fans. All of that is what it means to be a fan of the reigning World Champs. Just because I don’t discuss WAR on a daily basis doesn't make this a bad blog. Nor does it mean that I can't discuss WAR every now and then. If the people I interview aren't exactly diehard Red Sox fans, that's ok. They can still talk about the type of fans they are. It's called a Red Sox fan blog for a reason. Because it's by a fan, about being a fan. Whatever type of fan that is.

Hope that's OK with you.

Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 Year In Review: Social Media

As we all seem to know, these days a blog just can’t be a blog. Well, it can...but it’s not as easy or as much fun. After all, how can I be sure you’ll read my posts if I don’t spam you with reminders about them all the time? If the blog’s name isn’t something you see every thirty seconds, will you forget about me?

I can't take that chance.

Which is why Section 36 needs to have a social media presence. OK. It’s why I want Section 36 to have a social media presence. Even on the sites where I have no idea what’s going on. So, I hope you know about all the other ways you can follow along with Section 36! And, how have those social media sites gotten even better in 2019?

I’m glad you asked.

Instagram is probably the place I’ve seen the most movement in the
past year. It’s been so much fun connecting with fans and visitors through that site. For Section 36, in the past I have posted exclusively pictures I have taken. It’s a way to enjoy different views from a Red Sox fan. I've continued adding pictures people have submitted of themselves holding a “I’d Rather be in Section 36” sign, or pictures of themselves with Section 36 gear. (So, if you were wondering how you could appear on the Section 36 account, that’s how.) It’s been a great way to add variety to the feed, and publicize some great pictures people have submitted. And the best part? The account has crossed the 1000 follower threshold, and I couldn't be more thrilled! Here's hoping that number keeps growing. If you’re one of the followers, thanks! If you’re not, what’s keeping you?

Twitter is still the old standby. I find that it’s a great way to spread the word about new posts to the blogs. The Section 36 account tweets out links to posts here on Section 36. It also converses with fans, especially during Red Sox games. At over 1200 followers, it’s a fun group to be involved with.

Facebook provides fun opportunities. I find it’s a nice combination
between twitter and instagram. It can post links and pictures with ease, and has the ability to allow sharing with friends. The Section 36 page will post links to every post here on Section 36. Facebook is also great for pictures, so it posts pictures that I’ve taken. It’s also a prime spot to post pictures submitted by others. So almost every picture someone submits of themselves with Section 36 behind them, or in Section 36, or holding a “I’d rather be in Section 36” sign, or with Section 36 gear gets posted there. In 2019, Section 36 passed 500 likes which is great!

Beyond that? Section 36 also has a presence on Snapchat and Pinterest, although I honestly have no idea why. Hopefully in 2020 I’ll figure something out. Feel free to follow/add to see the progress! In fact, follow all of Section 36 on all social media accounts.

It’ll be a lot of fun.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Brooke Hickerson Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Brooke Hickerson is a mental health advocate, a talented dancer, and the current Miss HollyDazzle. That makes her the first visitor from the state of North Dakota! I was glad that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Brooke Hickerson visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss HollyDazzle crown?
After I was crowned Miss HollyDazzle, I shared my crown with my dancers! I brought it to dance class and told them all about the crown, what it means, and they all got to take a picture with it.

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss HollyDazzle competition that will help you at Miss North Dakota?
During the competition, I learned that I need to be more confident in myself! Far too many people do not feel confident in themselves

What has surprised you the most about your short time as Miss HollyDazzle
Something that has surprised me as Miss HollyDazzle is the amount of support that there is in the community!

How did you select your social impact initiative, “We Are Possible: Mental Health Among Our Community”?
I selected my social impact initiative because it is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I have struggled with mental health for many years and I want to raise awareness for mental illnesses in small towns in North Dakota.

As a talented dancer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?
My favorite part of performing on stage is being able to lose myself in the music! 

If you could be a Disney character for a week, which would you choose? Why?
If I could be a Disney character for a week I would be Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty was my favorite princess as a child.

What do you remember about attending your first Twins game?
What I remember from my first Twins game was going with my best friend! We had so much fun!

If you had an extra ticket to a baseball game, who would you bring with you? Why?
If I had an extra ticket to a baseball game I would bring my best friend Chelsey. She loves baseball and we always have a blast together.

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?
A feature or activity I would like to experience at a baseball game would be catching a baseball!

I’ve never caught a ball during a game either. That would be a great goal.

As always, I want to thank Brooke for doing this interview, and for sending along the great pictures to help make the post more fun.

As Brooke continues her time as Miss HollyDazzle, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. It’s a great way to see what she’s up to during her time with the crown.

And, of course I want to wish Brooke luck when she competes for Miss North Dakota. Since she’s the first visitor from that state, this is also the first chance for a visitor to take home that crown!

Thanks again Brooke, and good luck!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Section 36 Photography Month: A Festivus Grievance

That’s right, today’s the day! As you can see, I’ve set out my aluminum pole and am ready for the festivities to begin!

While it’s kinda hard to do feats of strength on a blog, we can certainly air some grievances! I’ll even start with the first one.

Dedicating this month to photography made me realize something. I need to use more photography on the blog. Oh, sure, the interview posts are littered with great pictures. And other posts here and there have them. But, really, there's no excuse for me to make a post without a picture. For one thing, it makes the post itself easier on the eyes. For another, it makes talking about the post on Facebook or Instagram more fun if there's a good picture attached. Even the simple one on this post makes things better...don't you agree? At this point I have an inventory large enough to find a picture that would relate to almost any post. So, the only excuse is laziness. That makes for a pretty logical grievance.

Now it’s your turn. I’m taking this opportunity to allow you to air your blog-related grievances! That’s right. Leave a comment telling me things you don’t like about the blog and its content!

Is the font too small? Too big? (Did you notice I've started using a different font? Do you care?) Are the sidebars too plain? Too cluttered? Do I write about a topic too much? Do you wish I wrote about a topic more? At all? All with no hard feelings on my part. This is your chance!

I know. Allowing the internet to complain about you can be scary. But, maybe I’ll be able to respond to the grievances and make the blog better for everyone!

One thing by way of rules, this is Section 36 asking for grievances. So, keep them to things about the blog and its content...not blog post subjects. So if you want to complain and say I write about Chris Sale too much, or too little, that’s fine. If you complain and tell me Chris Sale sucks, that’s not fine and I may delete your comment. In this particular post, that’s not really what I’m going for.

Sound reasonable? Ok then. Let’s hear it.

What are your Section 36 related grievances?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Brenae Dubis Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Brenae Dubis is an
advocate for healthy lungs, a talented dancer, and the current Miss Bedford. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Brenae Dubis visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Bedford crown?
After I was crowned as Miss Bedford, my family and part of my dance family went out to dinner. My celebratory meal was a shepherds pie. 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Bedford competition that will help you at Miss New Hampshire?
When I found out that I was no longer eligible for the outstanding teen program, I was intimidated to start competing against young women who were 5 years older than me. At the Miss Bedford competition, I learned that being young does not have to be a set back. I will be the youngest person to ever compete for the title of Miss New Hampshire, but I am not going to let my age hold me back, or prevent me from thinking that I might not do well.

What portion of the upcoming Miss New Hampshire competition are you most nervous about?
I am most nervous for the onstage interview portion of the Miss New Hampshire Competition. Competing in the teen program, it was guaranteed that the questions would be about your platform. Now, the question can be about anything in your interview. It will be interesting to answer a question on the fly in front of such a big audience!

How did you select your social impact initiative: “Healthy Lungs, Healthy Life”?
I have been a member of S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions) for all 4 years of high school which has strongly made an impact on me. As a student I have seen the overwhelming amount of teens that are vaping. Many are not educated on the harmful effects of vaping and I felt that hearing the harmful effects of vaping from someone their age could make an impact. I selected my social impact initiative of "Healthy Lungs, Healthy Life" because I feel very strongly about the vaping epidemic that is facing high schoolers, middle schoolers, and even elementary students.

As a talented jazz dancer, what is your favorite part about performing on stage?
I have a two part answer to this. When performing on stage in a group ensemble, I love the feeling of dancing in perfect unison and having what we call the "sixth sense" about what everyone is doing around you. I began doing solos to compete in pageants, and the major difference I noticed was the feelings I had pre-performance. When doing a solo, I am a lot more nervous before I dance on stage. The feelings I have after a performance though, are almost indescribable. There's a huge feeling of "yeah I just did that!" that keeps me addicted to the stage.

You’ve been able to do quite a bit of traveling. What your favorite place you’ve visited? Why?
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to visit so many beautiful places so early in my life. If I had to choose one of my favorite places though, it would have to be Italy. I had the opportunity to travel there on a school trip in April, and it was truly an out-of-body experience. I still have to look at the pictures I took as proof that I actually went! My favorite part was the fact that everything had such a rich history in comparison to America. I loved the beautiful architecture, and the stories behind every building. I stood on a floor that was over 2,000 years old, which was truly insane to me. I also love photography, so I enjoyed taking over 1,800 pictures over the course of the 10 day trip.

What is your personal fitness routine?
Dancing for 5 days a week is definitely one of the main ways I choose to stay in shape. When I have some spare time, I love to go to the gym, go on long bike rides, or try out something new such as the trapeze. 

If you had an extra ticket to see the Red Sox play at Fenway, who would you bring with you? Why?
If I had an extra ticket to a Red Sox game, I would definitely
take my dad. Him and I have always enjoyed going to sports games, so he would be a shoe-in for the extra ticket

Is there a feature or activity at a baseball game that you’d especially like to experience?
Funny story, I'd just want to experience a live baseball game. A few years back, my dance team was supposed to perform at a Fisher Cats game, but it got rained out and the game had to be postponed. I'd definitely would want to experience "Sweet Caroline" in such a great atmosphere as well.


That certainly is a fun experience, I hope she gets to do it some day!

As always, I want to thank Brenae for doing this interview, and for sending along the fantastic pictures. They help make the post a lot more fun.

As Brenae continues her time as Miss Bedford, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. You can also check out her official instagram account. They're great ways to see what she’s up to during her time with the crown. You should also watch her PSA on the vaping epidemic. Heck, watch it twice!

And, of course I want to wish Brenae luck when she competes for Miss New Hampshire. There's quite a few Section 36 visitors who will be on stage for that event. It would be wonderful for another one to come home with the crown.

Thanks again Brenae, and good luck!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

1975 Topps Page by Page: Page 5 (37-45)

I'm sure that you all remember that I finally completed my 1975 Topps set. 

Now that it's done I thought it would be fun to look through the set and talk about it. Going page by page seemed like a good way to go about it. Hopefully you find it interesting to read what I have to say.

How about we continue with page 5?

Red Sox Cards on the Page: 0. Back to being shut out. 

Cards that make the 1975 Topps set cool: This page is really a dud, to be honest. Id be tempted to go with Buddy Bell since he’s a players whose name I knew, but never saw play. But the “coolest” is probably the Cesar Geronimo. Even though he’s remembered as the guy who caught the final out, it’s cool to have cards of participants in that great 1975 World Series. 

My favorite card on the page: OK, not a lot of choices here. I'm tempted to say the Joe Rudi, but that seems mean. I'm going to go with the Andy Thornton. The "posed action" shots are often of someone following through on a pitch, or on a swing. Not often, though, is it "attempting a catch". So, that's pretty fun. But, here in Photography Month...the pics on this page don't do much for me.  

What would your answers to those last two categories be?

Monday, December 16, 2019

Section 36 Photography Month: Baseball Card Photography

As we continue Photography Month here at Section 36, I wanted to cover a topic that gets me all twisted in knots when I think about it. 

Photography on baseball cards.

This is one of those topics where whenever I really consider it, I end up questioning the hobby itself, and my involvement in it. For instance, I hear lots of other people comment on the photography on baseball cards. They might think a picture is cropped too closely, or it's too dark, or it’s a boring pose. My first reaction to those is often, "who cares what the picture is's just a card". Which then means, I'm collecting pictures of baseball players where I don't care about the picture?


What I think it comes down to is that I'm considering cards almost to be ID cards. Photo on the front, player stats on the back. So, I'm not collecting the pictures as much as I am the package. The picture is just a way for me to visually identify the player discussed on the back.

It feels like Topps treats cards the same way. For their flagship set at least. In fact, the point is pretty well driven home by their creation of the Stadium Club set. This set was designed to showcase great pictures. Or “different” pictures. Or both. That would suggest that they don't expect the pictures to be the story on their flagship set. Just a way to ID the player.

Until, they don't. 

I could understand all the tightly cropped shots of pitchers pitching and hitters hitting if they didn't throw in a shot of JBJ in a full on dive to make a catch. That's not a way for me to recognize Bradley Jr. (Unless that's actually the best way to ID JBJ?) So whenever Topps tosses in a great action shot, it makes me wonder why all the other pictures are the same. Even though that's exactly what I want and expect. 

It's even tougher to justify when they use a terrible picture. One that doesn't really show the player at all. Maybe just his back while making a play. Or in a multi player shot. That's not the way to get me to recognize the player either.

So, I like the way Topps generally treats the sets. Closely cropped body shots for the flagship, and let Stadium Club have some fun and flex photographic muscle. It really does allow for the best of both worlds.

And helps me justify my hobby.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Megan Price Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Megan Price is an advocate for organ donation, a former sports reporter, and the current Miss Lakeland. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Megan Price visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Lakeland crown?
Honestly the first thing I did was go eat chicken tacos at Chilis and drank a big Dr. Pepper. Haha. I was lucky to have my family members supporting me at the competition, so we all went out to dinner and then I went to the hotel, took a hot shower and went straight to bed. 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Lakeland competition that will help you at Miss Florida?
Miss Lakeland was honestly the first time in my years of competing that I felt like I was 100% myself. I truly was authentically Megan and kind of let myself go. My motto when I do pageants is “do your best and let God have the rest” and this was the first time that I felt like I really took that advice and just enjoyed and soaked in every moment of the competition. That is definitely something that I am going to try and take with me to Miss Florida. 

Do you have a specific goal you’d like to accomplish during your time as Miss Lakeland?
Of course, I have several goals in place with my social impact
initiative but the city of Lakeland will always hold a very special place in my heart because it is where I went to college. That being said, my biggest goal this year is to create relationships and memories with the businesses and community in Lakeland. It is an up and coming city and has an incredible downtown district so being able to get into that circle and really serve those people is my main priority this year. 

How did you select your social impact initiative, Organ Donation - Be a Lifesaver?
When I was a sophomore in high school my best friends little brother contracted a brain-eating amoeba and after 16 days of fighting, he succumbed to his injuries. Although I was not competing in the Miss America Organization at that point, the selflessness that his parents and family showed by choosing to donate his organs in such a time of grief made such an impact on me. I knew when I began competing in the MAO that I wanted to honor my friend’s legacy and my platform of organ donation does that. Witnessing the kindness that it takes to give someone else a second chance at life when you are facing one of the hardest moments of yours really is incredible and impactful. 

What is your favorite part about performing your dance talent on stage?
Dancing is a special form of expression. For me, it represents dedication, hard-work and perseverance. Every time I get to step on stage and dance, it is another opportunity to prove that you can do anything if you have the grit and will to do it. 

What is your personal fitness routine?
Being a dancer, I spend lots of time in the dance studio, that includes lots of stretching and working on technique. Besides that, I got to the gym 3-4 times a week to work on strength and endurance training. Of course, staying hydrated is super important and cucumber water is my absolute favorite. 

While in college, you were able to work as a sports reporter covering FSC athletics. What did you enjoy most about that position?
Some of my greatest memories from my time at Florida Southern College send me back to when I was standing on the sidelines reporting for FSC Athletics. I really enjoyed the fast-paced environment and thrill of each game being different. It was never a job where I came to work knowing what my day was going to really consist of and I loved that each day there was something new. I am forever grateful for the opportunity that I was given at FSC and who knows … maybe pursuing a career in sports reporting is going to be in my future soon. Either way, I will carry the experiences I got at FSC with my forever.

As a Yankees fan, who is your favorite Red Sox player? Why?
Although I am a die-hard Yankees fan, I will acknowledge a great athlete when I see one. My all-time favorite has to be Babe Ruth. I know he was a super-famous Yankee, but he pitched for the Red Sox before he played in New York. I always wish I could go back and time and watch him play ball. Currently my favorite is probably David Ortiz, better known as Big Papi, not only because of his athletic abilities which are insane, but I have a friend who he very selflessly helped during a hard moment in her life, and he didn’t even mention his name. She had no idea who he was until after he left when he was done helping her. I have the upmost respect for someone who is so famous and talented and still knows how to be a great human being and lend a helping hand when it is needed. 

You had the opportunity to see a Yankees game at Yankee Stadium. What was that experience like?
This might have been the best day of my life. Seriously. It was INCREDIBLE. Growing up, my younger brother and I had always begged to watch the Yankees play in the Bronx. My stepdad’s family is from Long Island, NY so as kids were traveled there pretty often but we never caught a game. It wasn’t until 2017 that I stepped foot in Yankee Stadium and I’ve never seen anything like it. We sat in right field in the “Judge’s Chamber”, we are big Aaron Judge fans, and the atmosphere was electric. It actually rained during the game that I went to, but I didn’t care, we sat out in the pouring rain the whole time and marveled at the sights around us. My favorite part of the whole game was at the very end, after the Yankees won, they played “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra and the entire stadium stood up and sang it. It was definitely an item checked off my bucket list and I can’t wait to go back. 


I hope she gets to go back! It would probably be good to see a Yankee loss...just to compare.

As always, I want to thank Megan for doing this interview, and for sending along the wonderful pictures. They help make the post a lot more fun.

As Megan continues her time as Miss Lakeland, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. You can also check out her official and personal instagram accounts. They're great ways to see what she’s up to during her time with the crown. And, of course I want to wish Megan luck when she competes for Miss Florida. There's quite a group of Section 36 visitors forming who will be on stage for that event. It would be wonderful for one to come home with the crown.

Thanks again Megan, and good luck!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

1975 Topps Page by Page: Page 4 (28-36)

I'm sure that you all remember that I finally completed my 1975 Topps set. 

Now that it's done I thought it would be fun to look through the set and talk about it. Going page by page seemed like a good way to go about it. Hopefully you find it interesting to read what I have to say.

How about we continue with page 4?

Red Sox Cards on the Page: 1. I think the photo on this Reggie Cleveland card just may have been taken during Spring Training. 

Cards that make the 1975 Topps set cool: I’ve said before that some of the fun cards in this set are the early hall of famers I only knew as grizzled vets, and cards of current managers from their playing days. This page has both, and then some. Bert Blyleven would end up making quite a career for himself after this card came out, and Dusty Baker is definitely better known by me as a manager. The added bonus of Ron Santo illustrates the other great thing about the set, the wide spread of player years. Here’s a guy who played in 1960 having a card in the set. Another hall of famer even. 

My favorite card on the page: I love the picture on the Dave Parker card...another star I remember only as an older player. It’s a posed shot, obviously, but his eyes are still following the flight of an imaginary ball. I would also be remiss if during “Photography Month” I didn’t mention the shot of a pensive Dave Rader. I assume this wasn’t posed, but it’s the sort of shot I’d expect from Donruss Studio.  

What would your answers to those last two categories be?

Monday, December 9, 2019

Section 36 Photography Month: Section 36 Pics

We're trying something a little different here at Section 36. This month, we're going to celebrate "Photography"! What does that mean? That means that every Monday during the month I will post something having to do with photography. Sound like fun? I hope so. Today I want to talk about some of my favorite pictures, the ones readers have submitted.

Section 36 Pics

I'm always flattered when readers send in pictures for me to share on the blog and Section 36 social media. Especially the ones that take a little extra effort to take. So, I'm so excited to see the collections of pictures in each of the categories grow and grow.

As you hopefully know, people have been submitting pictures of themselves that fall into four different categories. Don't remember what they are? Here's a rundown.

Pictures With Section 36. These are the easiest, if you happen to be at Fenway...or any park that has a Section 36. Wherever you are, take a picture of yourself with Section 36 behind you. It's fun to see all the different ways people have been able to accomplish this.

Pictures In Section 36. This is that next step more difficult. For these you need to actually get to Section 36 and take your picture there. 

"I'd Rather Be in Section 36" pics. If you're not at a game, this is the easiest. Make a sign that says "I'd Rather be in Section 36". That can be a pencil and paper, written in sand at the beach, with chalk on a driveway, however you can do it. Then, just take your picture holding the sign, or posing with it somehow.

Pics with 36 Gear. These, obviously, require you to have Section 36 gear. But, once you do the possibilities are endless. You can snap off a dozen selfies in one sitting, or take pictures wherever you happen to be when you're with your gear. These are usually a lot of fun.

You actually got to see a couple of these pictures in last week's post about K. Garcia Productions. But, here's a good chance to check out a few more of my favorites. Other than Kelsey, there have been a few other people who have contributed several pictures to several categories. Let's see what some of them had to share!

Submitted by Lily the Ferret
Lily the Ferret has done an amazing job of submitting pictures with her friends and Section 36 gear. I thought with Miss Universe being held this weekend it made sense to lead with this sot of Lily posing with friends Olivia and Malia.

Submitted by Bryanne

Submitted by Bryanne
 Bryanne has done an amazing job of constantly sending in pics. Whether she's holding an "I'd Rather Be in Section 36" sign at the highest point in the Eastern United States, or showing her support during a race she tends to go above and beyond. She's contributed pictures to every category, and then some!

Submitted by Dione

Submitted by Dione
 Dione is another person who has submitted almost every type of picture. Pictures in Section 36, or with Section 36, or Rather being in Section 36...even when in Section 36. It's been fun to see all the pictures come in.

Submitted by Lauren

Submitted by Lauren
 In Section 36, with Section 36, Rather Be in Section 36, with Section 36 gear...Lauren does it all. He pictures are always fantastic, and I always love getting a new submission from her!

Submitted by Serena of the Traveling Baseball Babes

Submitted by Serena of the Traveling Baseball Babes

Serena is another person who has been a regular contributor. Again, any type of picture is likely to come from one of her submissions, and I love them every time.

Submitted by Bernadette

Submitted by Bernadette

Bernadette has been nice enough to think of Section 36 during her travels around the world. Whether it's writing "Rather be in Section 36" on a tropic beach, or wearing her gear in Fiji it's always flattering to know Section 36 is on her mind.

As you can see, pictures play a huge role here at Section 36. It's one of the best ways for you readers to contribute to the Section 36 experience, and it makes it a lot more fun for everyone.

I can't see what comes in next!